All Time Speakers


Name Company or title
Aaron Bedra Application Security Lead, Groupon and Co-Author of Programming Clojure, 2nd Edition
Aaron Mulder Chariot Solutions
Aaron Sanders
Abe White Successful iPhone application developer, creator of OpenJPA
Adam Bien Independent consultant
Adam Blum CEO of Rhomobile
Adam Monago Vice President of Client Services
Adam Skogman Jayway
Adam Wiggins Heroku co-founder, RestClient Author
Aditya Agarwal Director of Engineering at Facebook
Adrian Cockcroft Cloud Architect at Netflix
Adrian Cockroft Cloud Architect at Netflix
Adrian Colyer Interface21
Adrian Kosmaczewski Fanatic, creator of successful iPhone applications and cool open source projects
Adrian Mouat Chief Scientist at Container Solutions
Adrian Trenaman Principal Consultant
Aingaran Pillai London Borough of Camden (ICT)
Aino Vonge Corry Trifork A/S
Aino Vonge Corry Retrospectives Facilitator
Ainsley Nies
Akmal B. Chaudhri IBM DeveloperWorks
Alan Cameron Wills Microsoft Corporation
Alan Goerner Principal Enterprise Consultant for Valtech
Alan Knight Cincom Systems
Alan Lewis eBay Desktop PM
Alan O'Callaghan De Montfort University
Alef Arendsen Interface21
Aleksandar Seovic
Alex Blewitt InfoQ Editor
Alex Cone Founder, CodeFab LLC. Head trainer, iPhone Boot Camp
Alex Miller Tech Lead with Terracotta, Inc.
Alex Moffat Lombardi Engineering Manager
Alex Russell Cofounder, Dojo
Alexander Heusingfeld Senior Consultant innoQ
Alexander Kikhtenko UBS
Alexander Kjerulf Enterprise Systems
Alexander R. Krapf Codemesh, Inc.
Alexander Schmid Consultant
Alexander von Zitzewitz Hello2morrow
Alexandre Vasseur BEA Systems
Alexandru Popescu InfoQ
Alexis Richardson co-founder of CohesiveFT
Alistair Cockburn Humans and Technology
Allen Wirfs-Brock Instantiations Inc.
Alois Ferscha University of Linz
Alois Reitbauer Technology Strategist at dynaTrace
Amanda Laucher Software Developer/Architect
Amr Elssamadisy Author "Agile Adoption Book"
Amy Porter Sun Microsystems
Anand Rudrabhatla BEA Systems
Anant Jhingran IBM
Anders Hejlsberg Microsoft
Andreas Grabner Technology Strategist for dynaTrace software
Andreas Schliep Scrum Master
Andreas Toenne Cincom
Andreas Tonne Cincom
Andreas Zeller Professor, Saarland University, Germany
Andres Kütt Architecture team lead, Skype
Andrew Glover Indepentent Consultant
Andrew Patterson Electric Cloud
Andrew Scotland BBC
Andrew Watson OMG
André Bondi Siemens Corporate Research, Inc.
Andy Gross VP of Engineering at Basho Technologies
Andy Hunt The Pragmatic Programmers
Andy Longshaw Independent Consultant
Andy Olsen Olsensoftware
Angelika Langer
Anil Hemrajani Independent Consultant
Anita Sengupta NASA Jet Propulsion Lab
Anjo Kolk
Anko Krey NotTheFly
Anne Thomas-Manes Burton Group Analyst
Annette Ibsen TietoEnator
Annick Fron consultant AFC Europe
Antero Taivalsaari Sun Microsystems
Anton Fricko IBM
Ari Zilka Founder of Terracotta
Ari Zilka, Founder Terracotta
Arjen Poutsma Founder & Project Lead for Spring Web Services
Arne Ahlander Senior Consultant, Softhouse Consulting
Arne Koschel IONA
Arne Roock Lean and Kanban Trainer and Coach
Arne-Jørgen Berre SINTEF
Arno Schmidmeier AspectSoft
Arthur van Hoff Co-Founder, Marimba, Inc.
Arvindra Sehmi Microsoft EMEA
Ashish Thusoo Facebook
Aslak Hellesøy BEKK Consulting
Attila Szegedi
Audrey Tang Independent Consultant
Avi Bryant Dabble DB
Barry Boehm Balance agility and discipline in software development since 1955
Bart J.F. De Smet Software Development Engineer on the SQL Cloud Programmability team, Microsoft
Bas Vodde NSN
Beat Schwegler Head in the Cloud, Feet on the Ground
Ben Alex SpringSource
Ben Butler-Cole ThoughtWorks Studios
Ben Galbraith
Ben Goodger Google
Ben Hall Developer, Tester, Book author, geek
Ben Livshits
Ben Whittle UBS
Benjamin Renaud BEA Systems
Bernd Mathiske Sun Microsystems
Bernd Schiffer Agile Consultant at it-agile GmbH
Bert Armijo 3Tera
Bertrand Delsart Sun Microsystems
Bertrand Meyer ETH Zurich / Eiffel Software
Beth Massi
Bill Buxton Principal Researcher Microsoft Research
Bill Dudney
Bill Pugh A 5-time JavaOne rock star
Bill Venners Artima Software, Inc.
Billy Newport Distinguished Engineer at IBM and creator of IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale
Bjarne Hansen CSC
Bjarne Stroustrup Texas A&M University
Bjorn Freeman-Benson Software Psychologist. VP Engineering, New Relic
Björn Granvik Jayway
Bjørn Nordmoen WesternGeco
Bo Leuf Independent consultant
Bo Pedersen WebGain
Bob Lee Google
Boris Gloger SPRINT IT, Germany
Brent Welch Panasas
Brett Hodges Sitraka
Brian Barry Bedarra Research Labs
Brian Chess Fortify Software
Brian Foote University of Illinois
Brian Goetz Author of "Java Concurrency in Practice"
Brian Guthrie Ruby Shark
Brian McBride Original developer of Jena, the Java semantic web library
Brian Oliver Oracle
Brian Sletten Forward-Leaning Software Engineer, Mentor, Author
Brian Wheeldon KL Group
Brian Zimmer Orbitz
Bruce Eckel
Bruce Johnson Creator, Spring
Bruce Snyder LogicBlaze
Bruno F. Souza Sun Microsystems
Bryan Che Product Manage, Red Hat
Bryon Jacob
Byron Cook
Cameron Purdy JavaOne RockStar, CEO of Tangosol
Carl Olav Løvald Mesan NO
Carsten Højmose Kristensen Systematic Software Engineering
Cary Millsap Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd
Cathi Gero Prenia Consulting
Cay Horstmann San Jose State University
Cedric Beust TestNG
Cesare Pautasso Assistant professor in the new Faculty of Informatics, Lugano
Chad Fowler InfoEther, Inc.
Chad Vawter The Middleware Company
Charles Nutter Sun
Charles Simonyi Intentional Software Corporation
Charles Weir Penrillian
Charlie Poole Poole Consulting
Chee Yu VmWare
Chet Haase Sun Microsystems
Chris Berry Atom Server co-founder
Chris Ferris IBM
Chris Fry
Chris Matts
Chris Morton Independent consultant
Chris Read ThoughtWorks
Chris Richardson Head of Cloud Computing at SpringSource
Chris Riley
Chris Shinkle Kanban Expert
Chris Swan Credit Suisse IT
Chris Thomasen Bang&Olufsen
Christian Hesselberg Presys A/S
Christian Hvitved Software Pilot at Trifork
Christian Lanng
Christian Sellberg Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Christian Weyer Thinktecture
Christian Amor Kvalheim
Christine Hofmeister Siemens Corp. Research
Christoffer Skjoldborg Independent consultant
Christoph Steindl IBM
Christophe Coenraets Adobe
Christopher Avery Responsibility Redefined
Claus Nyhus Christensen Trifork
Clay Williams IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Clemens F. Vasters newtelligence AG
Clemens Szyperski Microsoft
Cleve Gibbon Cognifide
Cliff Click Distinguished Engineer at Azul Systems
Cloves Carneiro Jr SpinBits FZ LLZ
Corey Haines Software Journeyman
Corina Ulescu Sun Microsystems
Craig Heimark
Craig Larman Valtech
Craig Russell Sun Microsystems
Craig Stewart Progress Software
Craig Weissman
Cris Kobryn PivotPoint Technology Corporation
Cynthia Andres
Dalibor Topic Sun's free and open source Java go-to guy
Damon Poole AccuRev
Dan Bergh Johnsson OmegaPoint, Sweden
Dan Diephouse MuleSource
Dan Farino
Dan Fink OptimalDBA
Dan Hanley Magus
Dan Ingalls Sun Microsystems Laboratories
Dan Morrill Google Inc.
Dan North Agile troublemaker, developer, originator of BDD
Dan Pritchett eBay, Inc.
Daniel May Syddansk Universitet
Daniel Megert
Daniel Moth Microsoft UK
Darren Gale HP
Dave Astels Adaption Software Inc.
Dave Carroll, inc.
Dave Crane Author
Dave Farley Co-author of the soon to be published book "Continuous Delivery"
Dave Hoover Chief Craftsman at Obtiva
Dave Syer SpringSource
Dave Thomas Bederra Research Labs
Dave Thomas The Pragmatic Programmers
Dave West InfoQ
David Anderson
David Blevins IBM
David Boloker IBM
David Chappell Chief Technologist of Oracle SOA
David Chelimsky Articulated Man, Inc
David Ezzio BEA
David Geary Track Host, Currently defining the next version of JSF
David Gristwood Microsoft UK
David Göhlman Telelogic
David Harel Weizmann Institute of Science
David Harper Banque Paribas
David Harvey Agile Coach
David Holmes DSTC Australia
David Hussman DevJam
David Jeffery
David Keene Oracle
David Laribee ALT.NET ring leader
David Pollak
David Temkin Laszlo
David West Author of "Object Thinking"
David Heinemeier Hansson 37signals
Dean Wampler ObjectMentor
Deborah Hartmann InfoQ
Dennis Byrne ThoughtWorks
Desmond D'Souza Computer Associtates
Diana Larsen FutureWorks Consulting
Diana Velasco Design Anthropologist
Didier Girard SFEIR
Dimitri Maesfranckx SequeLink
Dino Esposito Wintellect
Dion Almaer
Dion Hinchcliffe President and CTO
Dion Stewart
Dirk-Willem van Gulik BBC
Dmitriy Setrakyan GridGain
Dominique Delarue
Don Box Architect of WCF, Essential COM
Don Reinertsen Consultant and Author
Don Syme Designer and co-implementer of the F# language
Donald J. Reifer
Donald Smith
Doron Reuveni CEO of uTest
Doug Judd Creator, Hypertable
Doug Lea State University of New York at Oswego
Doug Schmidt Vanderbilt University
Doug Talbott Product Design Consultant, Bedarra Research Labs
Doug Wilson Distinguished engineer and CTO of IBM's Lotus Software
Douglas Butler Sales Engineer at Atlassian Software
Douglas Clarke Oracle Corp.
Douglas Crockford Yahoo!
Dr. Sami Zahran IBM
Dragos Manolescu ThoughtWorks
Dylan Schiemann Cofounder, Dojo
Eberhard Wolff Regional Director, SpringSource GmbH
Ed Burns Sun Microsystems
Edward Jezierski Microsoft
Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård LEGO
Eishay Smith Architect, Linked-In
Ellen Gottesdiener An internationally recognized agile coach and trainer
Elliotte Rusty Harold Programmer
Emil Eifrém Founder of Neo4j
Emmanuel Bernard JBoss
Enda Farrell Software architect for internet scaling
Eoin Woods Barclays Global Investors
Eric Evans Domain Language
Eric Nelson Microsoft UK
Eric Promislow ActiveState
Eric Samson Libelis
Eric Gordon Prud'hommeaux Sanitation engineer at W3C
Erich Gamma Object Technology International
Erik Corry Google
Erik Dibbern Röser Microsoft
Erik Doernenburg ThoughtWorks Inc.
Erik Dörnenburg ThoughtWorks
Erik Jaspers Planon
Erik Meijer Microsoft
Erik Meijer, Creator, LINQ
Ernest Micklei PhilemonWorks
Esther Derby Esther Derby Associates Inc.
Eugene Belyaev IntelliJ Software
Eugene Lazukin Sun Microsystems
Evan Campbell Rally Software Development
Evan Phoenix
Evan Weaver Twitter
Fabrizio Schmidt Senior Backend Developer
Felipe Rodrigues Fratech
Flemming Jønsson Software Pilot, Trifork
Florian Reuter Novell
Floyd Marinescu InfoQ
Francesco Cesarini Erlang Training and Consulting
Frank Buschmann Principal Architect at Siemens Corporate Technology
Frank Cohen Raining Data
Frank Mantek Google
Frank Stajano University of Cambridge
Frank Westphal Independent Consultant
Fred George ThoughtWorks
Frédéric Baumann ILOG Direct Europe
Gabrielle Benefield Director of Agile Development, Yahoo!
Gadi Amit Principal designer and founder of NewDealDesign
Galder Zamarreño JBoss Core R&D Engineer, Redhat
Gary Sevitsky Performance Researcher at IBM, Authority on Bloat
Gavin King Hibernate
Geir Magnusson 10gen Inc.
Geoff Watts British Telecom
George Franzen Developer
Georges Saab 4CHARITY.COM
Gerald Kaefer Siemens AG
Gerard Meszaros Author of xUnit Test Patterns - Refactoring Test Code
Gerold Kathan Enterprise Architect & Interdisciplinary Bridge Builder, bwin
Gertrud Bjørnvig Driven by Agile Patterns and Anthropological studies of Software Development
Geva Perry Software executive and cloud computing blogger
Gianpaolo Carraro Microsoft
Gil Tene Azul Systems
Gilad Bracha Sun Microsystems
Giles Colborne cxpartners
Giles Davies
Giovanni Rimassa Whitestein Technologies AG
Gitte Ottosen Passionate about agile development and test within a mature process framework
Glenn Petersen Iocore-7N
Glenn Saqui Agile Energizer
Glenn Vanderburg Independent Consultant
Gojko Adzic Neuri Ltd
Gordon Sim
Gordon Weir
Graeme Rocher Grails Project Lead
Graham Hutton
Grant Roland Oracle
Greg Morrisett
Greg Young IMIS
Gregg Pollack RailsEnvy Actor, or the "C" in MVC
Gregor Hohpe Google
Gregor Kiczales Xerox PARC
Gregory Murray Sun Microsystems
Guido Schoonheim Xebia
Guilherme Silveira Creator of Restfulie and Editorial chief of InfoQ Brazil
Guillaume Nodet Principal Engineer, IONA
Guilluame Laforge Groovy project lead
Gunnar Peterson Arctec Group
Gunter Dueck Philosopher, Writer, Management Expert & Member of "World 2.0"
Gus Power Energized Work
Gustav Wibling VMware, Inc.
Guy L. Steele Jr. Sun Microsystems
Guy Nirpaz Gigaspaces
Guy L. Steele, Jr. Sun Microsystems
Görel Hedin University of Lund
Hadi Hariri Developer, speaker, podcaster and Technical Evangelist at JetBrains
Hamilton Verissimo Castle Stronghold
Hans Verbeeck Microsoft EMEA
Hans Peter Jepsen Danfoss
Hardy Ferentschik RedHat
Hays W. Skip McCormick Consultant
Heiko Webers
Heinz Züllighoven
Helen Emerson Infragistics Europe
Henk Kolk VP and CTO, Capgemini
Henrik Engström Senior Software Engineer @Typesafe
Henrik Kniberg Crisp AB
Henrik Kristensen Sun Microsystems
Henrik Lagercrantz Senior Systems Architect of the P5 system, bwin
Henrik Wann Jensen Creator of Killer 3D technologies
Hermod Opstvedt Den norske Bank
Hubert Smits Rally Software Development Corp.
Iain Mortimer Merrill Lynch
Ian Cartwright ThoughtWorks
Ian Flint Yahoo
Ian Graham Trireme
Ian Griffiths Book Author
Ian Robinson ThoughtWorks
Ian Robinson, IBM Distinguished Engineer
Ian Wilkes Linden Lab
Ilja Preuss disy Informationsysteme GmbH
Ingo Rammer Thinktecture
Isabelle Attali INRIA
Ivan Aaen University of Aalborg
Ivan Moore Team Optimization Limited
Ivan Posva Azul Systems
Ivar Jacobson Ivar Jacobson Consulting
Ivo Totev Software AG
Jacek Laskowski IBM
Jack Greenfield Microsoft Corporation
Jags Ramnarayan GemStone
Jakob Aarøe Dam Newly educated computer scientist
Jakob Færch Trifork A/S
Jakob Pagter University of Aarhus
James Adam
James Cox
James Gosling Father of Java
James Governor RedMonk
James Newkirk Microsoft
James Noble University of Wellington
James Roper Java developer, Atlassian
James Ward Adobe
James O. Coplien Gertrud&Cope
Jan Algermissen Founder of NORD Consulting
Jan Bosch Intuit
Jan Kent Toll- og avgiftsdirektoratet
Jan Lehnardt Co-founder of Freisatz
Jan Mütter LDS NRW
Jan Pries-Heje IT University of Copenhagen
Jan Reher Passionate about effective, habitable and well-defined software development processes
Jan Schoubo BEA
Janus Boye Boye IT
Jaron Lanier
Jason Davies Independent Consultant
Jason Gorman Creator of
Jason McHugh
Jason Rudolph Relevance, Inc.
Jason Seifer "Java" in RailsEnvy
Jay Edwards
Jay Fields DRW Trading
Jay Kreps Principal Engineer, LinkedIn
Jay Parikh Senior Vice President, Ning Inc
Jean Bezivin University of Nantes, France
Jean-Luc Vaillant Linked In
Jean-Philippe Côté Lecturer & Creative Technologist, Edouard-Montpetit College
Jeff Barr Amazon
Jeff Brown Gallio Lead
Jeff Hammerbacher Facebook Data team lead architect
Jeff McAffer IBM
Jeff Patton Agile Product Design Expert
Jeff Sutherland Scrum Inc.
Jeff Sutherland Patientkeeper
Jeff Wilcox Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Phone 7
Jeff Williams Aspect Security
Jeff Wishnie Director of Social Engagement, ThoughtWorks
Jeffrey Snover Microsoft
Jenny Quillien
Jens B. Bennedsen it-vest
Jens Galatius Nordea
Jens Trapp Sun Microsystems GmbH
Jens Østergaard Agile Development Aps
Jeppe Hedaa 7N
Jeppe Rørbæk Microsoft
Jeremy Grelle
Jeremy Miller Author of StructureMap
Jeremy Vickers Detica
Jerome Bernard Elastic Grid LLC
Jes Rude Dragsted Head of IT Architecture and Design at ATP
Jesper Boeg Trifork Software Pilot
Jesper Grankær Carøe EOS Trifork
Jesper Krogh LM Ericsson
Jesper Louis Andersen Programming Language Geek
Jesper Richter-Reichhelm Head of Engineering at Wooga
Jevgeni Kabanov Zeroturnaround
Jez Humble Build and Release Principal at ThoughtWorks
Jim des Rivieres IBM
Jim Farley GE Corporate R&D
Jim Highsmith Cutter Consortium
Jim Hugunin Microsoft
Jim Purbrick Linden Lab
Jim Waldo Sun Microsystems
Jim Webber ThoughtWorks
Jim Webber, SOA Practice Lead ThoughtWorks
Jim O. Coplien Creator of C++ idioms, founder of organizational patterns, and leading spokesperson for Agile Architecture
Jimmy Juncker Trifork A/S
Jimmy Nilsson JNSK
Jinesh Varia Amazon Web Services
Jnan R. Dash Chief Startegy Officer at Curl
Joakim Dahlstedt BEA Systems
Joakim Recht Trifork Software Pilot
Jodok Batlogg CTO of VZ Netzwerke
Joe Albahari Egton Australia
Joe Armstrong Ericsson
Joe Duffy Microsoft
Joe Stump Lead Architect
Joe Walker Getahead Ltd
Joel Pobar
Johan Sørensen
Johannes Brodwall BBS Nordic
John Allspaw Engineering Culture Hacker
John Andersen Betech Data A/S
John Cunningham Band XI International, LLC
John Daniels Product Architect
John Davies IONA
John de Longa DataDirect
John Fallows Kaazing
John Field Programming Language and Software Tools Researcher, IBM
John Hughes Long-time functional programming enthusiast, co-designer of Haskell and QuickCheck, testing tools entrepreneur
John Maloney MIT Media Laboratory
John Musser Founder
John Nolan e2x
John O'Donovan Future Media & Technology, BBC Journalism
John O'Hara AMQP Working Group
John Rizzo JavaBlackBelt
John Steven Technical Director, Cigital
John Straw Architect, YELLOWPAGES.COM
John Wilson The Wilson Partnership
Johnny Chung Lee Carnegie Mellon Uni.
Jon Jagger Passionate about helping people improve their effectiveness
Jon Mullen British Sky Broadcasting
Jon Skeet Author of C# in Depth, Stack Overflow addict
Jon Tirsen Google
Jon Egil Strand
Jonas Bonér BEA
Jonas Jacobi Kaazing
Jonas S Karlsson Google
Jonathan Allen InfoQ Editor
Jonathan Felch Quantitative portfolio manager at E.H. Smith Jacobs
Jonathan Trevor Yahoo! Pipes
Jonathan Weiss Peritor Wissensmanagement GmbH
Joonas Lehtinen CEO at Vaadin, PhD
Joost Backus NotTheFly Component Solutions
Jos Warmer De Nederlandsche Bank
Joseph D. Darcy Sun Microsystems
Joseph Molnar
Joseph Pelrine
Joseph Pelrine
Joseph Pelrine, CST, C*O of MetaProg MetaProg
Joseph Yoder The Refactory, Inc.
Josh Devins Software Architect, Nokia
Josh Graham Thoughtworks
Josh Holmes Microsoft
Josh Susser
Joshua Bloch Sun Microsystems
Joshua Kerievsky Industrial Logic, Inc.
Juergen Hoeller Co-founder of the Spring Framework Project
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen MetaCase Consulting
Julian Simpson The Build Doctor
Justin Gehtland Relevance, Inc.
Justin Sheehy CTO of Basho Technologies
Jutta Eckstein Independent Consultant
Jørgen Erichsen Lenio
Jørgen Erik Assentoft RTX Telecom
Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen Mjølner Informatics
Jørgen Slings Quest Software
Jørgen Staunstrup IT University of Copenhagen
Jørgen Thyme Microsoft
Jørn A. Hansen Bang&Olufsen
Jørn Bo Jacobsen BEA Systems Danmark
Jørn Larsen EOS
Kai Gilb Passionate about teaching the Agile community how to deliver Value to Stakeholders
Kai Koskimies
Kai Toedter Siemens Corporate Technology
Kai Tödter Siemens AG
Karen Larkowski General Manager and Program Director of Business Ecology Initiative
Karl Avedal Ironflare AB
Karl Krukow Trifork A/S
Karsten Lentzsch JGoodies
Kasper Lund Google V8 Team and Dart Team, Member of Program Advisory Board
Kati Vilkki Nokia Siemens Networks
Katia Pijarowski
Katie Taylor
Keith Braithwaite Zuhlke Engineering
Ken Arnold Sun Microsystems
Ken Schwaber
Kent A. Johnson TeraQuest
Kent Beck Three Rivers Institute
Kent McDonald Knowledge Bridge Partners
Kevin Clark
Kevin Efrusy Accel Partners
Kevin Hinde Future Media & Technology, BBC Journalism
Kevin Hoyt Group Manager Developer Evangelism, Adobe
Kevin Jones
Kevin Seal Detica
Kevin Sullivan
Kevlin Henney Industry Expert on Software Architecture, Patterns, Processes and Languages
Kim Dalsgaard Independent Consultant
Kim Harding Christensen Eastfork Object Space
Kirk Haselden Microsoft
Kirk Pepperdine Java Performance Tuning
Kirk Wylie
Kjeld Froberg EOS Trifork
Klaus Marquardt Dräger Medical
Klaus Marius Hansen Aarhus University
Knud Henning Nielsen SU Styrelsen
Knut Sagli Esito
Kresten Krab Thorup Trifork A/S
Kris Lander Energized Work
Kristen Nygaard Creator of Simula
Kristian Kristensen Independent software development consultant
Kristian Ottosen
Kristian Elof Sørensen Icon Medialab
Krzysztof Czarnecki ECE, University of Waterloo
Krzysztof Palacz Sun Microsystems Laboratories
Kurt Jensen University of Aarhus
Kåre Kjelstrøm EOS Trifork
Larry Constantine
Lars Bak Esmertec AG
Lars Bendix University of Lund
Lars George System Architects
Lars Handrup TietoEnator Consulting
Lars Østrup Petersen DELTA Danish Electronics, Light & Acoustics
Lasse Koskela Reaktor Innovations
Lau Jensen
Laurence Moroney Microsoft
Laurence Tratt King's College London
Laurent Bossavit Independent Consultant
Laurent Seraphin Borland Software Corporation
Len Bass Software Engineering Institute
Lennart Augustsson
Leo Shuster
Leonard Richardson Co-Author: RESTful Web Services
Lev Novik Microsoft
Lex Spoon EPFL/IBM
Linda DeMichiel Sun Microsystems
Linda Northrop Originator of SEI Framework for Software Product Line Practice
Linda Rising Global Presenter
Lisa Crispin Fast401k Inc.
Liz Keogh Lean / Agile coach and developer
Loretta Guarino Reid Adobe
Louise Gade Mayor of Aarhus
Luca Bolognese Microsoft Corporation
Luke Barrett Thoughtworks
Luke Hohmann Enthiosys, Inc
Lynne Rosenthal
Maarten Smeets Planon
Mads Torgersen C# 4 Wiz, Microsoft
Magne Jørgensen SIMULA
Magnus Christerson Intentional Software Corporation
Majid Atlassi Danish Electronics, Light & Acoustics
Malcolm Sparks Exoftware
Malte Christensen Oracle Danmark
Mandy Chung Sun Microsystems
Mano Marks Google
Marc Bouchet LIBeLIS
Marc Evers Independent Consultant
Marc Prud'hommeaux SolarMetric
Marc Steigler Research scientist at HP Labs
Marcel Molina Jr InfoEther
Marianne Graves University of Aarhus
Mario Szpuszta Microsoft
Marius Mårnes Mathiesen Shortcut AS
Mark Baker Large Scale Distributed Systems Expert
Mark C. Paulk Carnegie Mellon University
Mark Cathcart IBM
Mark Ferraro Valtech
Mark Halvorson Chief Imagineer and OpenSocial Evangelist at Atlassian
Mark Hapner Sun Microsystems Inc.
Mark Jeynes IBM
Mark Little JBoss
Mark McNeill PhD
Mark Nottingham
Mark Pollack Interface21
Mark Ramm TurboGears2 BDFL, SourceForge Developer, and all around web dude
Mark Richards Collaborative Consulting, LLC
Mark Seemann Creator of AutoFixture; author of Dependency Injection in .NET
Mark Smith DevelopMentor
Mark Smitham Mindworx
Mark Steigler
Mark Striebeck Google
Mark S. Miller Teached the world that object programming, done right, was already close to object-capability secure programming.
Marko Boger Gentleware
Markus Andrezak Chief Architect and Agile Evangelist
Markus Hauck Codecentric
Markus Hebach Borland
Markus Müller Sybase Internet Application Division
Markus Völter Freelance consultant
marlene S
Martin Boel Kapow Technolgogies
Martin Fowler ThoughtWorks
Martin Lippert Co-founder of it-agile and OSGi expert
Martin Nally IBM
Martin Odersky Designer of Scala
Martin Pamdeth Borland
Martin Sølvkjær Bispebjerg Hospital
Martin Thompson CTO and co-founder of LMAX/Tradefair
Martin Høegh Mortensen IT og Telestyrelsen
Martin S. Wammen Express Fulfilment Services
Martine Devos Avaya Researchlabs
Mary Poppendieck Poppendieck LLC
Mary Shaw Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University
Massimo Lanfranconi Sun
Mathias Meyer Chief Visionary, Peritor GmbH
Mats Helander One of the developers behind Puzzle.NET
Matt Aimonetti Rails Core Contributor
Matt Deacon Microsoft
Matt Hogstrom IBM
Matt Thompson Sun Microsystems
Matt Youill
Matthew Fowler Director NT/e
Matthew Wall Guardian Unlimited
Matthias Niehoff Codecentric
Mattias Skarin Kanban and Lean Coach, Author of Kanban and Scrum, making the most of both
Max Ross Hibernate Shards Project Lead
Max Rydahl Andersen Redhat
Merrick Schaefer Technical Project Coordinator, UNICEF Innovation Team
Micah Martin 8th Light
Michael A. Bragen Software Productivity Research LLC
Michael Ashley
Michael Carter
Michael Ernst MIT
Michael Feathers Author of "Working Effectively with Legacy Code"
Michael Fellinger Weez International Ltd.
Michael Foord Resolver Systems
Michael Hill Object Mentor, Inc.
Michael Hunger Passionate about software development
Michael Kircher Siemens CT
Michael Koziarski
Michael Leventhal Text Science
Michael Poulin
Michael Ringgaard CSC
Michael Schwartzbach University of Aarhus
Michael Stal Siemens AG
Michael Tamm System Architect and automated QA expert
Michael Tuska Cybercom
Michael Van Riper
Michael "MiZu" Zunke Chief Technical Officer (CTO), SafeNet
Michael E. Caspersen Århus Universitet
Michael G. Schwern
Michael L Royle ThoughtWorks
Michael T. Nygard Author of "Release It"
Michel Buffa University of Nice
Michele Lanza Software visualization authority
Michi Henning ZeroC Inc.
Mick Blowfield Future of Work (FoW)
Mik Kersten Creator of Eclipse Mylyn
Mike Amundsen Focused on pragmatic implementations of REST principles over HTTP
Mike Cannon-Brookes Atlassian
Mike Clark
Mike Daley British Airways
Mike Fuller InterSystems
Mike Hadlow Enterprise App Development Specialist w/ Microsoft Tools, Author of WsdlWorks and Suteki Shop
Mike Hill Exdriven Ltd
Mike Keith Oracle
Mike Lee Mayor of Appsterdam
Mike Maciag Electric Cloud, Inc
Mike Malone SimpleGeo
Mike Taulty Microsoft UK
Mikkel Damsgaard conscius a/s
Mikkel Hippe Brun Danish National IT and Telecom Agency
Mikkel Asger Svane
Mikkel Høy Sørensen Program Manager, Sitecore
Miko Matsumura technology advisor, speaker
Mogens Nørgaard Miracle AS
Mogens Heller Grabe Trifork A/S
Morgan Björkander Telelogic
Morten Kyng University of Aarhus
Morten Strand Adaptive Systems Denmark
Naci Dai Eteration
Namit Jain Facebook
Nat Pryce ThoughtWorks
Nate Schutta
Nathan Dye
Nathan Marz Engineer at Twitter and the creator of the Storm and Cascalog open-source projects
Nati Shalom GigaSpaces
Neal Ford ThoughtWorks
Neal Gafter SUN
Neil Bartlett
Neil Kidd Microsoft
Nic Williams Dr.
Nick Edgar IBM
Nick Kallen Twitter Engineer; FlockDb co-creator
Nick Sieger
Niclas Nilsson Activa Sweden AB
Nicolai Josuttis Solutions in Time
Nicolas Brasseur JavaBlackBelt
Niel Nickolaisen Headwaters, Inc.
Niels Hartvig Founder of the Umbraco CMS project
Niels Hilmar Madsen Microsoft
Niels Sthen Hansen Trifork Software Pilot
Nikhil Kothari Microsoft
Nikolai Onken Co-founder of, Dojo contributor and cofounder of uxebu
Obie Fernandez ThoughtWorks
Obie Fernandez, Rails Developer's Guide
Oege de Moor Semmle
Ola Bini ThoughtWorks
Ola Gasidlo
Olav Maassen QNH
Ole Friis Østergaard Trifork A/S
Ole Jepsen Cap Gemini
Ole Kirk Hansen TietoEnator
Ole Lehrmann Madsen University of Aarhus
Olivier Caudron InterSystems Benelux
Olof Lindholm Appeal Virtual Machines
Oren Eini Wizard of Open Source .Net
Oren "Ayende" Eini Wizard of Open Source .Net
Otto Medin InterSystems
Ove Holritz Sun Microsystems
Owen Taylor Gigaspaces
Pamela Fox Mashup Queen
Pascal Rapicault IBM
Patrick Chanezon Google, Inc
Patrick Copeland Google Director of Engineering
Patrick Curran JCP
Patrick Debois
Patrick Fust Presys
Patrick Kua ThoughtWorks
Patrick Linskey Java Persistence Expert
Patrik Andersson Enator
Patrik Fredriksson Citerus
Patrik Persson Enea Realtime AB
Paul Downey
Paul Fremantle WSO2
Paul Hudak Yale University
Paul Kuzan Borland
Paul Pagel co-founder of 8th Light
Paul Verschueren IBM
Pavel Hruby Microsoft
Pawel Brodzinski VSoft
Per Bothner The Portola Group
Per Nymann Joergensen Trifork Software Pilot
Per Nymann Jørgensen Trifork Software Pilot
Per Vorm BEA
Pete Deemer Goodagile
Pete Goodliffe
Pete Soper Sun Microsystems
Peter Backlund Citerus
Peter Bourgon Distributed Systems Engineer at SoundCloud
Peter Coad TogetherSoft LLC
Peter Cooper Ruby Inside
Peter Eeles Rational Software
Peter Holditch Azul Systems
Peter Kriens OSGi Technical Director
Peter Lacey Burton Group
Peter Lubbers Author of the upcoming book "Pro HTML 5 Programming"
Peter Marks
Peter Nickolov 3Tera
Peter O. Frederiksen POF Consulting
Peter Pilgrim
Peter R. Hill ISBSG
Peter Rodgers
Peter Sommerlad Institute for Software at HSR
Peter von der Ahe Sun Microsystems
Peter Zadrozny Oracle
Peter Zimmerer Siemens AG, Corporate Technology
Petri Haapio Reaktor Innovations
Phil Lopez Suncorp
Phil Wills
Philip Haynes Object Consulting
Philip Howard Research Director
Philip Zeyliger Cloudera
Philipp von dem Bussche Solutions Architect, Quest Software
Philippe Kruchten Professor of software engineering, Developer of RUP
Phillip Ghadir innoQ Deutschland GmbH
Phillipe Desfray SOFTEAM
Pieter Hintjens
Pietro Polsinelli Open Lab
Pollyanna Pixton Evolutionary Systems
Pramod Sadalage ThoughtWorks
Pratap Lakshman Microsoft
Preben Andersen Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Prof J. Mark Bishop Tungsten Centre for Intelligent Data Analytics (TCIDA)
Rachel Davies Independent coach
Rachel Reinitz IBM Distinguished Engineer in WebSphere Services and Support
Raghu Kodali Oracle
Rajeev Dayal Google
Ralf Westphal Independent consultant
Ralph Johnson University of Illinois
Ramana Rao Inxight Software
Ramnivas Laddad AOP Guru, AspectJ In Action Author
Randy Shoup eBay, Inc.
Raven Zachary iPhone Entrepreneur and Founder of iPhoneDevCamps
Rebecca Parsons ThoughtWorks
Rebecca Rikner
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock Wirfs-Brock Associates
Remy Sharp Left Logic
Rene Nejsum conscius
Rene W. Schmidt VMWare
René Schmidt VMWare
Ric Smith Kaazing
Rich Hickey Creator of Clojure
Rich Kilmer InfoEther
Rich Mironov Enthiosys
Rich Turner US Mil OSD-ATL
Richard Allen Smith Jr Kaazing
Richard Bourke DataDirect
Richard Durnall Principal Consultant, Agile and Lean methods
Richard Erwin Microsoft
Richard Gabriel IBM Research
Richard Gabriel, Distinguished Engineer IBM Research
Richard Pawson Computer Sciences Corporation
Richard Satava MD Yale University
Richard Sharpe ENERJY Java Software Tools
Richard Soley Object Management Group
Richard P. Gabriel IBM Research
Rickard Öberg Senselogic
Rinat Abdullin Technology Leader at Lokad
Rix Groenboom Reasoning Netherlands BV
Rob Ellis
Rob Harrop Spring Core Developer
Rob Pike Co-designer of Go
Rob Windsor ObjectSharp Consulting
Robert C. Martin Object Mentor
Robert Matthews Freelance developer
Robert Pickering LexiFi
Robert Schwegler Chief Architect, bwin
Robert Turrall iO
Robert Zores easynet GmbH
Robert D. Schneider Think88 Ventures
Roberto Ierusalimschy Pontifical University in Rio de Janeiro
Robin Bater IBM
Robin M. Roos Ogilvie Partners Ltd
Rod Johnson Creator of Spring
Rod Johnson, Creator, Spring
Rod Smith IBM
Rodney A. Smith IBM Software
Roel Stalman Oracle
Rolf Njor Jensen Tradeshift
Roman Pichler Author and Product Owner Expert
Roman Strobl Technology Evangelist, JetBrains
Romilly Cocking Independent Consultant
Ron Bodkin Quantcast Chief Architect; Former Xerox Parc AspectJ Committer
Ron Crocker Motorola
Ronnie Saurenmann Microsoft
Roopak Shah Resilient Capital LLP
Ross Mason MuleSource
Ross Mason MuleSource
Roy Oberhauser Siemens AG
Roy Osherove Author of "The Art Of Unit Testing"
Ruslan Belkin Snr. Director Engineering, Linked-In
Russel Acton IONA
Russell Miles Managing Director of Open Credo
Ruud Grotens Compuware
Ryan Slobojan Codesta
Sadek Drobi
Sailesh Panchal Travelex
Salil Deshpande
Sam Aaron Innovation Factory
Sam Brannen Spring Source Limited
Sam Newman
Sander Hoogendoorn Ordina
Sanjiva Weerawarana. CEO, WSO2
Sarah Taraporewalla Senior Consultant at ThoughtWorks
Sastry Malladi Distinguished Architect, eBay
Satnam Singh Microsoft
Scott Ambler Founder of the Agile Modeling methodology
Scott Chacon Git evangelist and Ruby developer
Scott Davis Author of "JBoss at Work"
Scott Delap InfoQ Editor
Scott Delap, Author, Desktop Java Live
Scott Stanfield CEO of Vertigo Software
Scott Violet Sun Microsystems Inc.
Sean Brydon Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Sean Dawson Linked-In Architect
Sean Tierney
Serge Miranda MBDS University of Nice
Seth Tisue Lightbend
Shaun Smith Principal Product Manager, Oracle
Shay Banon Gigaspaces
Sherali Karimov Atlassian
Simon Baker Co-founder of the Energized Work Conspiracy
Simon Brown Detica
Simon Guest Microsoft Snr. Dir. Of Technical Strategy, DPE Group
Simon Marlow Haskell enthusiast, GHC boiler-room technician
Simon Oxley Co-founder and CTO of Aware Monitoring
Simon Peyton-Jones Co-creator of Haskell
Simon Phipps Sun Microsystems
Simon Singh Freelance
Simon Stewart Lead developer of WebDriver
Simon Thurman Microsoft UK
Simon Wardley
Sofia Svanteson Ocean Observations
Stefan Fountain Soocial
Stefan Landrø BEKK Consulting
Stefan Meisner Larsen Trifork Software Pilot
Stefan Norberg Head of Architecture at Unibet
Stefan Reich
Stefan Richter Founder and CTO of
Stefan Tilkov SOA and REST authority, innoQ founder
Stephan Janssen and Javapolis Founder
Stephen Colebourne SITA ATS Ltd
Steve Cook Microsoft Corporation
Steve Freeman Independent Consultant
Steve Greene
Steve Hayes Cogent Consulting Pty Ltd
Steve Jones CapGemini
Steve Muench Oracle Corporation
Steve Naroff Apple Computer
Steve Vinoski Chief Engineer
Stewart Marshall British Airways
Stuart Charlton Elastra
Stuart Halloway Co-founder of Relevance, Inc.
Subbu Allamaraju Web and REST pragmatist
Sue McKinney IBM Software Group
Sue Spielman Switchback Software
Sumit Rai Kulu Valley
Susan Wiingaard Independent consultant
Susanne Bødker University of Aarhus
Søren Hilmer IT+
Søren Skyum EOS Trifork
Tammo Freese OFFIS
Tapio Tallgren Nokia Networks
Tasneem Sayeed Sun Microsystems
Ted Farrell Oracle Corp.
Ted Neward Independent consultant
Thibaut Regnier
Thilo Frotscher EnterpriseSystems
Thomas Ardal Trifork Software Pilot
Thomas Christensen Nordija
Thomas Dagsberg Jayway
Thomas Fuchs Creator of
Thomas Juul Senior Consultant, TENTEO
Thomas Martinsen Founder and CEO, TENTEO
Thomas Maurer Interactive Objects Software GmbH
Thomas Riisgaard Hansen University of Aarhus
Thomas Rix Software Consultant
Tim Bray Sun Microsystems
Tim Fox vert.x Project Lead at VMware
Tim Lindholm Sun Microsystems
Tim Mackinnon Iterex Ltd
Tim McCarthy Author of ".NET Domain-Driven Design with C#"
Tim Moore
Timothy Fitz
Toby Young City Index
Tod Liebeck NextApp, Inc.
Todd Little Landmark Graphics, Inc.
Todd Montgomery Chief Architect of Informaticas Messaging Business Unit
Todd Olson TogetherSoft
Tom Baeyens JBoss
Tom Enebo
Tom Jones Oracle Health Care Systems, CA
Tom Locke Freelance web-developer
Tom Preston-Werner Cofounder and CTO of GitHub
Tom Stuart Understanding Computation
Tom Sulston Lead Consultant, ThoughtWorks UK
Tom Watson IBM
Tony Harrop LiquidityHub
Tony Hoare Inventor of QuickSort, Turing Award Winner
Tony Kennah Perforce
Toomas Romer ZeroTurnaround
Toon Koppelaars Centraal Boekhuis
Torben Hagen Britze LEC
Torrey Rice VP of User Experience, SitePen (Dojo)
Troels Richter Trifork Software Pilot
Trygve Reenskaug Mogul Technology
Tuomas Pystynen Independent Consultant
Udi Dahan
Ulf Wiger Erlang Training and Consulting
Ulrik P. Schultz University of Southern Denmark
Umberto Tachinardi Md, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Urs Hölzle One of Google's first ten employees, Senior Vice President of Operations, Google
Vaughn Vernon Software developer veteran
Venkat Subramaniam
Virginia Soper JANUS Associates, Inc.
Vivek Prahlad ThoughtWorks
Walter Bischofberger Software-Tomography GmbH
Ward Cunningham Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc.
Wayne Fenton eBay, Inc.
Wayne Kelly Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Wayne Lund Accenture
Werner Vogels
Willem van den Ende Independent Consultant
William Hammond Duke University Medical Center
William Soo Voca
Wolf Johansson Triii
Wolfgang Keller AMB Generali Informatik
Yehuda Katz Co-author of "jQuery in Action"
Yukihiro Matsumoto Ruby
Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto
Yuval Yeret Agile Coach at AgileSparks
Zack Exley ThoughtWorks
Zed Shaw Creator, Mongrel Ruby HTTP Ser
Ümit Yalcinalp Ph.D. and a developer evangelist at