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Robert Zores, easynet GmbH

/alltime/images/speakers/robert_zores.jpg I was born in 1962 in Bad Ems, a small spa-town close to the river Rhein. I studied physics at the University in Göttingen (Niedersachsen) in Germany and got my diploma degree in 1989. Later I finished my academic career with an phd in physics and computer science. I worked at DLR fulltime from March 1989 at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics. In April 1999 I joined Sun Microsystems as a "Technology Consultant" in Hamburg. Late 2001 (December) the new challenge of leading the operational part (CTO) of energis-ision has started and was merged with easynet in June 2002. In 2004 I worked as AOL's Germany CTO in Hamburg. After this strange episode I decided to focus again more on cutting edge technology and I can now be found as CTO & Vice Presi dent for International Research & Development at Sagem Orga, a leading Smard Card Integrator.


Attended conferences

JAOO 2003

