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Andreas Grabner, Technology Strategist for dynaTrace software

Andreas Grabner has over 12 years experience as an architect and developer in the Java, .NET and Web 2.0 space with a strong focus on application performance. In his current role, Andi works as a Technology Strategist for dynaTrace software. In his role he influences the dynaTrace product strategy and works closely with customers in implementing performance management solutions across the entire application lifecycle. He is also the Lead of the dynaTrace Community with a special focus on Web Performance Optimization and the dynaTrace AJAX Edition. He is a frequent speaker on software performance and architecture topics at technology conferences like TheServerSide Java Symposium, Velocity OLC, SpeedGeeks, SharePoint TechCon or SOAWorld. He regularly publishes articles blogs on http://blog.dynatrace.com. Before working for dynaTrace Andi worked as an engineer and product manager for Segue Software and Borland on their Silk Product Line, Load-Testing with SilkPerformer and Functional-Testing.


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