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Ernest Micklei, PhilemonWorks


Ernest Micklei has been doing object-oriented programming since 1992 when he started to work with Smalltalk (ObjectWorks 2.3). As a consultant, he has been involved in many commercial Smalltalk projects for the insurance, finance and transport industry. In 2004 he entered the Enterprise Java world and developed web applications and services as part of SOA implementations.

He is owner of many open-source projects such as SelfDiagnose (Java), Pocogese (Ruby), Dunelox (ActionScript) and Cloudfork (Smalltalk).

Recently, he got interested in cloud computing and designing scalable architectures. After completing some Ruby and Rails projects, he re-entered the Smalltalk community and is working on bringing them into "the cloud".

He blogs about his work on philemonworks.com and blog.doit.st.


Attended conferences

JAOO 2009

