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Martin Boel, Kapow Technolgogies

Martin Boel, Manager of Professional Services, Kapow Technolgogies. Master of Sience in Software Development from Aalborg University 1991. 1991 Employed in Danish Data Electronics where he was involved in the development of the Supermax Information Retrieval, which still is in use in libraries countrywide. 1994 Employed at F.L Smith where he was involved in the development of a mulituser client/server Train planning system, containing graphical user interface and drag and drop capabilities. 1997 Employed at CRI/Terma Electronics where he was exclusively used as a Java expert in various projects for SAAB AB and Boeing in Seattle. An interesting CSCW application called ABSEE was developped, that support the full Software Development Cycle, by integrating other tools. 1999 Employed at Nykredit, a large financial firm in Denmark, where he was aiding the development of a pure Java Internet Banking system. 2000 Employed at a small dot-com downfall survivor firm "Kapow Technologies", that devlop the RoboSuite web2web interaction tool. Founded in June 1998, Kapow is a supplier of standardized and powerful collection and integration tools, all based on web-based, frontend interaction - in other words, within the Web Services domain. Kapow offers a wide variety of options to users ranging from simpler data collection tasks to advanced integration and aggregation systems, uniformly based on our RoboSuite technology. Running on all Java compatible systems, RoboSuite is truly scalable in any given environment. See kapowtech.com


Attended conferences

JAOO 2002

