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Giovanni Rimassa, Whitestein Technologies AG


Giovanni Rimassa is currently employed in a Senior Researcher position from Whitestein Technologies AG, in Z?rich. He is involved in several projects within the Research & Consulting group at Whitestein, dealing with the application of Agent Technology to the telecommunication domain and with improving infrastructures and tools that support the development of software products and solutions based on Agent Technology. Before joining Whitestein, he first worked as a contract researcher for Parma University (1999-2003) and then (2001-2004) he was with the company he founded, FRAMeTech s.r.l.

He holds a Laurea Degree in Electronic Engineering and a Ph. D. in Information Technology, both obtained with honours from the University of Parma, Italy. Since 1995, he has been involved in applied research dealing with concurrent and distributed systems, software engineering and artificial intelligence, working with both academic and industrial partners in joint applied research projects, such as LEAP (IST-1999-10211), CoMMA (IST-1999-12217) and AgentCities.RTD (IST-2000-28385). He is author of more than 40 published papers in international refereed journals, conferences and workshops. He was a member of the Program Committee and a reviewer of several conferences on multi-agent systems, and he has been serving as a reviewer for various journals since 1999. He has been a member of the IEEE and IEEE Computer Society for 10 years.

He is one of the main contributors to JADE (http://jade.tilab.com), an Open Source agent platform that runs from J2ME MIDP to J2EE and is one of the most popular middleware systems to build multi-agent systems.


Attended conferences

JAOO 2004

