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John Field, Programming Language and Software Tools Researcher, IBM

/photos/speakers/John%20Field.jpg John Field is a Research Staff Member at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center and manager of the Advanced Programming Tools Group. He received a Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1991, where he was a member of the team that built the Synthesizer Generator, a multi-lingual IDE that was subsequently developed into a suite of programming productivity tools by Grammatech, Inc. At IBM, his research has centered on the design of tools and programming models for large software systems, with the aim of increasing programmer productivity and software quality. Most recently, his work has focused on tools and programming models for distributed and concurrent applications. Tools and techniques developed by the Advanced Programming Tools Group have been incorporated into a number of IBM application development products, including the VisualAge Cobol suite, the VisualAge Y2K Analysis and Remediation Toolkit (which received an Outstanding Technical Achievement Award from IBM), IBM DB2's Database Migration Toolkit, and IBM Rational's AppScan DE web security tool.


Attended conferences

JAOO 2009

