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Stephen Colebourne, SITA ATS Ltd


Stephen Colebourne is a hands-on Technical Architect at SITA ATS Ltd, where he oversees the development of e-commerce systems for airlines. He has been developing in Java since version 1.0 and has both client and server side experience.

In his spare time he keeps himself very busy. Dates and times have become a passion, and he is co-spec lead of JSR-310 Date and Time API and project lead of Joda-Time. The second major area of interest is Java language change, where he is the co-author of FCM closures and founder of the Kijaro project where language change ideas can be implemented in javac. Finally, he is a member of the Apache Software Foundation following work on Commons Collections, Lang and IO.

Stephen is now a regular conference speaker and a frequent blogger at http://www.jroller.com/scolebourne/ . He was elected a Java Champion in 2007.


Attended conferences

QCon London 2008
QCon London 2009

