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Cesare Pautasso, Assistant professor in the new Faculty of Informatics, Lugano

/photos/speakers/Cesare Pautasso.jpg Cesare Pautasso became assistant professor in the new Faculty of Informatics at the University of Lugano, Switzerland in 2007. Previously he was a researcher at the IBM Zurich Research Lab and a senior researcher at ETH Zurich. His research in the area of software architecture currently focuses on building experimental systems for Web 2.0 mashups and RESTful service composition by means of business process modeling languages. He is the lead architect of JOpera, a powerful rapid RESTful service composition tool for Eclipse. His teaching and training activities both in academia and in industry cover advanced topics related to Web Development, Middleware, Service Oriented Architectures and emerging Web services technologies. He is co-authoring a book on SOA with REST of the Prentice Hall Service-Oriented Computing Series. For more information, visit www.pautasso.info and follow him on twitter.com/pautasso


Attended conferences

QCon London 2010

