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Clemens F. Vasters, newtelligence AG

/alltime/images/speakers/clemens_vasters.jpg Clemens F. Vasters is co-founder and CTO of newtelligence AG, a Germany-based developer services company focusing on XML Web services and .NET enterprise technologies. newtelligence offers developer education content production, architectural guidance, architecture and implementation reviews and offers Microsoft .NET training workshops tailored to customer's projects and existing developer skills. Clemens has more than 15 years of experience as a developer and software architect for financial solutions for the banking industry, portal solutions and application infrastructure services. He frequently speaks at major local and international conferences throughout Europe, such as Microsoft TechEd Europe, the Microsoft Developer Days in Germany, Austria, Spain, and Slovenia and the recent Visual Studio .NET launch events in Germany and Norway. Clemens is the author of the book "BizTalk 2000: A Beginner's Guide" (Osborne), ".NET Enterprise Services" (Hanser Germany), co-author of ".NET Crashkurs" (MS Press Germany) and is one of the MSDN Regional Directors for Germany. Furthermore, he is engaged in the development of the Microsoft .NET Developer Tools Readiness Kits' volumes as well as in the XML Web Services Architectural Guidance newtelligence authored for Microsoft. Clemens current work focuses on XML Web Services infrastructures as well as on enterprise services in the context of the .NET Framework


Attended conferences

JAOO 2003

