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Morten Kyng, University of Aarhus

/alltime/images/speakers/morten_kyng.jpg Morten Kyng's main research areas are participatory design, computer supported cooperative work, pervasive computing, and human-computer interaction. His main focus is currently participatory design of new paradigms for 'palpable' pervasive computing systems within healthcare. That is pervasive systems that are capable of being noticed and that the users may investigate and apprehend mentally. Morten Kyng is professor of pervasive computing at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Aarhus. The professorship is sponsored for a five-year-period by Systematic Software Engineering - www.systematic.dk. Morten received his Doctor of Science from the University of Aarhus in 1996. He currently directs the Centre for Pervasive Computing - www.pervasive.dk, a national research centre with headquarters at Katrinebjerg in Aarhus. In 2001 he was, as the only European, appointed to the ACM CHI Academy for leadership in the field of computer-human interaction.


Attended conferences

JAOO 2001
JAOO 2004
JAOO 2005

