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Michael Kircher, Siemens CT

Michael Kircher is currently working as Senior Software Engineer at Siemens AG Corporate Technology in Munich, Germany. His main fields of interest include distributed and real-time object computing, software architectures, design patterns, and eXtreme programming. He is also an active member of the Centre for Distributed Object Computing at Washington University in Saint Louis where he is involved in the development of the Real-Time CORBA implementation TAO (The ACE ORB). During the last years he published at numerous conferences on topics such as patterns, open-source, software architectures for distributed systems, and extreme programming. Further, he jointly organized several workshops at conferences such as OOPSLA and EuroPLoP. In his current work he is involved in the development of UMTS base stations. He is project lead responsible for the distribution architecture and the integration of CORBA middleware. When away from his notebook he loves to enjoy nature, on foot, by bike, or hunting accompanied by his dog. On nice summer evenings he enjoys tasty Italian food on the patio of his favorite restaurant.


Attended conferences

JAOO 2001

