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Isabelle Attali, INRIA


Isabelle Attali is Director of Research at INRIA Sophia Antipolis and is head of Oasis, a joint team between INRIA, CNRS and University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.

The team focuses its activities on distributed computing and more specifically on the development of secure and reliable distributed systems using distributed asynchronous object systems (active objects - OA of OASIS). From this central point of focus, other research fields are considered in the project: - Semantics (first S of OASIS): formal specification of active objects with the definition of ASP (Asynchronous Sequential Processes) and the study of precondition where this calculus becomes deterministic. - Internet (I of OASIS): Grid computing with distributed and hierarchical components. - Security (last S of OASIS): analysis and verification of programs written in such asynchronous models. Isabelle Attali also serves a Deputy Chairman of the INRIA Evaluation Committee.

Besides numerous research and education duties, some of interest for the current initiative are the following: - Industrial Track co-chair (with Kiran Bondalapati, AMD) for IPDPS'03 (International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium), April 2003, Nice, April 2003. - Responsible for the Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation from 1995 to 2001. - Responsible for Education at INRIA Sophia Antipolis from 1997 to 1999. - Tutorial co-chair (with Giuseppe Castagna, ENS-Ulm) for ECOOP 2000. - Responsible for Education and Employment at Telecom Valley (leading-edge telecommunications companies and organisms around Sophia Antipolis, 10000 workers) from 1999 to 2003.


Attended conferences

JAOO Symposium

