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Dave Hoover, Chief Craftsman at Obtiva

/photos/speakers/Dave_Hoover.png Dave Hoover is the Chief Craftsman at Obtiva where he helps lead Obtiva's Software Studio and apprenticeship program. Dave has been developing software since 2000, when he left a career in child and family therapy. In 2002, Dave read Pete McBreen's Software Craftsmanship, which re-framed Dave's understanding of software development and how people become great software developers. Dave has become increasingly passionate about learning and has dedicated several years of his career to thinking, writing, and speaking about apprenticeship. He is co-author of the forthcoming Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman with Adewale Oshineye. Over the last couple years, on most days, you'd find Dave coding Ruby and Rails as the lead developer for Mad Mimi, one of his clients at Obtiva. Like most people, Dave likes to speak about himself in the third person, though his wife and three children find it less than amusing. Dave also enjoys all sorts of endurance sports.


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