For the technical program, speakers are recruited broadly, including
those known for their insights, authors of current books, and the people
that are building the foundation for modern software engineering. The
speakers this year include:
- Karl Avedal, IronFlare
- Joost Backus, NotTheFly Component
- Lars Bak, Sun Microsystems
- Gilad Bracha, Sun Microsystems
- Frank Buschmann, Siemens CT
- Thomas Christensen, Nordija
- Alistar Cockburn, Humans and Technology
- James O. Coplien, UMIST
- Aino Cornils, JAOO Academy
- Ron Crocker, Motorola
- Ward Cunningham, c2.com
- Joakim Dahlstedt, Appeal Virtual
- Linda DeMichiel, Sun Microsystems
- Martin Fowler, ThoughtWorks
- Darren Gale, HP
- William Hammond, Duke University
Medical Center
- Kim Harding Christensen,
- Christian Hesselberg, Presys
- Søren Hilmer, IT+
- Brett Hodges, Sitraka
- Ove Holritz, Sun Microsystems A/S
- Andy Hunt, Pragmatic Programmers
- Ole Jepsen, JAOO Academy
- Tom Jones, Oracle Health Care Systems,
- Gregor Kiczales, University of
British Columbia
- Michael Kircher, Siemens CT
- Ole Kirk Hansen, TietoEnator
- Jørgen Lindskov Knudsen, Mjolner
- Kresten Krab Thorup, Trifork Technologies
- Anko Krey, NotTheFly
- Jesper Krogh, LM Ericsson
- Morten Kyng, Danish National Centre
of IT-research
- Craig Larman, Process and Methodology,
- Doug Lea, SUNY Oswego
- Olof Lindholm, Appeal Virtual
- Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto,
- Paul Moller, Moller International
- Gregory Murray, Sun Microsystems
- René Nejsum, conscius
- Kristen Nygaard, University of
Oslo & Consultant at the Norwegian Computing Center
- Kristian Ottosen, YaWah.com
- Martin Pamdeth, Borland Nordic
- Bo Pedersen, WebGain
- Trygve Reenskaug, University
of Oslo
- Richard Satava, Yale University
- Rene Schmidt, Sun Microsystems
- Doug C. Schmidt, Associate Professor
- Michael Schwern,
- Umberto Tachinardi, Sao Paulo,
- Antero Taivalsaari, Sun Microsystems
- Dave Thomas, Pragmatic Programmers
- Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, MetaCase
- Chad Vawter, The Middleware Company
- Steve Vinoski, Iona
- Brent Welch, Panasas
- Frank Westphal, Independent trainer
and consultant
At JAOO 2000 more than 40 speakers gave tutorials and presentations.
Among were several fathers of programming languages and theories within
the area of object oriented programming.
Among the speakers were:
- Kent Beck
- Frank Buschmann
- Alistar Cockburn
- David Holmes
- Andrew Hunt
- Bertrand Meyer
- Kristen Nygaard
- George Saab
- Bjarne Stroustrup
- David Thomas
- Jim Waldo