<bigwig> service: jaoo
Schwern's code runs like a rash across CPAN, with 38 modules
as of this writing, including Class::DBI, Carp::Assert,
Semi::Semicolons, Sex and Test::More. Because he
couldn't keep his big mouth shut, he finds himself
Perl6 Quality Assurance manager. Having spoken at The Perl
Conference(s) and Yet Another Perl Conference(s), its a wonder
people keep inviting him to speak. When not coding up Yet Another
CPAN module or beating someone over the head about testing,
Schwern enjoys stuffing various sea creatures into
his overalls and shooting bad technical books.
Design Patterns in Perl: Sufficiently Encapsulated Hacks
Will be updated soon
Design Patterns in Perl: Sufficiently Encapsulated Hacks (Best Practise, Software Design & Architecture)
Michael Schwern
Tuesday [15:00 - 15:45]
Session Room 2
Slides from this presentation
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