<bigwig> service: jaoo
Rene Nejsum is CTO of conscius a/s. conscius develops e-business solutions on J2EE
Before joining conscius, Rene was manager of R&D at a larger software company, focusing
on mission critical machinecontrol software.
Abstract When developing large scale mission critical systems, unit testing is
not enough! This presentation will show how conscius takes testing a step further,
by implementing eletronic Use Cases, which automatically test the system.
conscius has created a framework in Jython to simulate the extern
requirements to a system.
conscius has developed an e-business server, handling the larges
business site in Denmark. All external connections were simulated very early in
the process, to ensure "Test early, test often".
Writing Use Cases in Python (Best Practise, Software Design & Architecture)
Ren� Nejsum, conscius
Tuesday [15:45 - 16:15]
Session Room 2
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