<bigwig> service: jaoo
BIO: Doug Lea is a professor of Computer Science at the State University of
New York at Oswego. He is author of the book ``Concurrent Programming
in Java'', and co-author of the text ``Object-Oriented System
Development''. He is the author of several widely used software
packages, as well as articles and reports on object oriented software
development including those on specification, design and
implementation techniques, distributed object systems, and software
Scalable IO in Java
As of Java release 1.4, programmers can create scalable
high-performance solutions for IO-intensive programs using the
java.nio package. This presentation shows how to use non-blocking IO,
demultiplexing, and threads to construct web services and middleware,
sometimes relying on patterns described in the "POSA2" book.
Scalable IO in Java (Technology, Middleware and Enterprise Systems)
Doug Lea, SUNY Oswego
Tuesday [09:30 - 11:00]
Conference Hall
Slides from this presentation
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