Bigger - and better!
The JAOO 2001 conference include sessions on current subjects within
the area of Java and object-orientation. The main subjects are
chosen by the program committee which this year includes the organizers
as well as international experts.
The program committee consists of:
- Frank Buschmann, Siemens
- Jørn Larsen, EOS
- Dan Arnum Hansen, EOS
- Kresten Krab Thorup, Trifork
- Kim Harding Christensen, Trifork
The technical program will include the following subjects:
- Software Design
- Extreme Programming in Practice
- Architecture and Methods
- Managing Software Projects
- Scripting Languages
- Middleware
- Pervasive Computing
Each subject will contain tracks where different areas will be
- Theory
- Development - news within the subjects
- Experience - in development and in practice
Scandinavian Congress Center Aarhus, Denmark