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Martin Pamdeth has more than 9 years experience with the Borland
development tools and middleware technologies ranging from Delphi, C++Builder and
JBuilder to VisiBroker Corba and Borland AppServer J2EE solutions. He
started out at Borland Scandinavia A/S in Denmark back in 1992. After
working 3 years at the Borland Europe Headquarters in Amsterdam as
Product Manager for the Development Tools, he is now residing in Copenhagen,
Denmark. He works as part of the Borland Nordic team as a Technical
Business Development Manager. Martin holds a M.Sc.E.E. from The Technical
University of Denmark.
Creating wireless end-to-end solutions using JBuilder and Borland's
e-business implementation platform
JBuilder, written completely in Java, is the most popular Integrated
Development Environment for Java worldwide. Together with the J2EE
based Borland AppServer and JBuilder MobileSet (Nokia Edition), we will
present how to develop end-to-end solutions tying J2ME wireless clients to
backend business logic in EJB's through use of Borland's e-business
implementation platform. Integration with UML modeling, plus new functionality and
technologies will also be previewed.
Creating wireless end-to-end solutions using JBuilder and Borland's e-business implementation platform (Business, Middleware and Enterprise Systems)
Martin Pamdeth, Borland Nordic
Monday [11:00 - 12:00]
Session Room 2
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