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Bio: Brent Welch is a software architect at Panasas, where they are building
scalable, high performance network storage systems. Brent has experience
building software systems from the device driver level up through
network servers, user applications, and graphical user interfaces.
He has been using Tcl since it was first created by John Ousterhout.
Some of his more interesting Tcl/Tk applications include the Exmh email
user interface and the TclHttpd web server. He has written a book,
Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk, that is now in its third edition.
Brent received his PhD in Computer Science at Berkeley for his work on the
Sprite distributed file system.
System Programming with Tcl
System programming is normally the realm of hard-core C, C++, or
Java programmers. How can a scripting language like Tcl fit into
this area of programming? This talk describes Tcl, some of the
recent developments in the language, its fundamental architecture
for embedability and extensibility, safe execution of untrusted code,
and strategies for designing succesful systems using Tcl. One of the
interesting aspects of system design with Tcl is its decomposition
of a system into building blocks created with a traditional systems
programming language (C/C++/Java) and a composition layer built in Tcl.
This approach results in building blocks that get used in many more ways
than when they are locked into strict, single-language OO hierarchies.
I will also describe experiences with applications that are designed to
be extensible, exmh and tclhttpd, and how an extensible application is
both less risky and more rewarding than a fixed purpose application.
System Programming with Tcl (Technology, Programming Languages)
Brent Welch, Panasas
Tuesday [11:15 - 12:00]
Session Room 1
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