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Bio Frank Westphal is an independent trainer and consultant
from Hamburg, Germany. He has been developing object-oriented
software in various roles since the early 1990s. In 1999,
he formed a team which used all of the practices of XP.
Since then he has helped introducing many of the practices
and principles of XP into other organizations.
Transitioning to XP
Transforming yourself, your team or your organization to
using a lightweight development methodology like Extreme
Programming isn't easy. While some practices may simply
fall into place, others might be difficult to implement
due to technical, political, organizational or personal
In this presentation, you will learn how to triumph over
the challenges of transitioning to XP. We will discuss
what problems you might encounter during the adoption phase,
what the most common pitfalls are, and what life after XP
feels like.
Tutorial Test-first Programming with JUnit
Unit testing is a central activity in Extreme Programming
that is to be performed on a minute-by-minute basis.
Acknowledging the fact that your development will be
going faster if you're proceeding in tiny little steps
towards your goal, getting instant feedback from your
tests, and knowing when your code starts working,
as well as when it stops working, a little testing can
make such a big difference on your project.
For many projects, doing XP or not, the xUnit family of
testing frameworks has become the tool of choice to
write and run a suite of automated unit tests for their
code. JUnit, the Java flavor of xUnit, is gaining
increasing acceptance throughout the Java community.
Simply because the tests are composed directly in the
Java language, testing with JUnit is as simple as
compiling your code. If you're a pragmatic programmer,
you ought to take a look into this mighty development
tool at your disposal. Whether you will come to this
tutorial or not, you really should look into JUnit.
This tutorial will add JUnit and the design technique
of test-first programming to your internalized tool box.
We will take a look at the anatomy and utilization of
the JUnit testing framework. In a hands-on environment,
you will experience the rhythm of test-first programming,
working with a partner on a test case and satisfying the
test with running code. You will see how, together with
the XP techniques of refactoring and simple design,
you can incrementally grow a well-factored and long-lived
code base. We will discuss the economics of unit testing,
a couple of recurring testing patterns, the application
of mock objects, and how to test areas in your code that
are usually very hard to test.
What's important is that we'll not just talk about unit
testing. We'll explore the testing strategy as practiced
in Extreme Programming throughout the day in a couple of
programming episodes. So please don't forget to bring
along a laptop computer, your favorite Java development
environment, and some enthusiasm for programming in pairs
and having some fun. You can arrange to bring one computer
per two programmers. It would be beneficial but it's not
mandatory to load and test JUnit prior to this class.
If you want to take a look at JUnit before the conference,
please visit http://www.junit.org
Please don't forget to bring along a laptop computer.
Transitioning to XP (Best Practise, Extreme Programming)
Frank Westphal, Independent trainer and consultant
Wednesday [10:30 - 12:00]
Session Room 2
Slides from this presentation