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Slides from JAOO 2000 |
J�rgen Erik Assentoft, RTX Presentation: Global multimedia wireless connection, a dream? Lars Bak Tutorial: Sun Microsystems Inc. Automatic Memory Management for the Java Programming Language Kent Beck, First Class Software Keynote: Fred Taylor, Making Software, and Conversation Tutorial: Extreme programming for Beginners Torben Hagen Britze , LEC Presentation: The road to a successful e-portal Frank Buschmann, Siemens Corporate Technology Tutorial: Component Construction with Patterns Mark Cathcart, IBM Presentation: Linux and Java - a marriage made in heaven ? Thomas Christensen, Nordija ApS Presentation: Experience from an XP project at Kuwait Petroleum Alistair Cockburn, Consultant Tutorial: Designing a Light Methology Aino Cornils, University of Aarhus Tutorial: The Pattern Morass Joakim Dahlstedt, Appeal Virtual Machines Presentation: A Preemptive User-level Thread System in an JVM for the Server (JRockit) Jim Farley, GE Corporate R&D Presentation: J2EE: An Empirical Study Patrick Fust, Presys Business: A CRM-system based on EJB Jens Galatius, Unibank Business: The CASE of the Banking Revolution Erich Gamma, Object Technology International Session: A Java Framework at Work, Tutorial: - with Kent Bech Klaus Marius Hansen, Ideogramic Presentation:Tool Support for Creativity, Flexibility, and Collaboration in Object-Oriented Modelling Mark Hapner, Sun Microsystems Inc. Presentation: J2EE Architecture Overview Presentation: The J2EE Connector Architecture Lars Handrup, TietoEnator Consulting Presentation: Jini delivers scalability, reliability and administration services for multiserver applications Christian Hesselberg, Presys Business: A CRM-system based on EJB Christine Hoffmeister, Siemens Corp. Research Tutorial: Effective Use of UML for Software Architecture Design S�ren Hilmer, IT+ Tutorial: Java on Lego Mindstorms David Holmes, DSTC Australia Tutorial: Introduction to Concurrent Programming in Java Tutorial: Designing Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs in Java Andrew Hunt, Consultant Presentation: On Being Pragmatic Tutorial: Introduction to Ruby J�rn Bo Jacobsen, BEA Systems Presentation: The Importance of a solid and scalable Infrastructure Hans Peter Jepsen, Danfoss Presentation: Experiences with OO in a ressource-constrained hard realtime system Gregor Kiczales, Xerox Parc Presentation: AspectJTM : Aspect-Oriented Programming using Java(tm) technology Alexander Kjerulf, Enterprise Systems Presentation: Practical experiences with use cases in the early stages of a project J�rgen Lindskov Knudsen, Mj�lner Informatics Presentation: Object technology in the commercial setting Craig Larman, Valtech Tutorial: Learning and Teaching OOA&D and Design Patterns Dimitri Maesfranckx SequeLink Bertrand Meyer, Interactive Software Engineering Tutorial: Contracts for components Gregory Murray, Sun Microsystems Inc. Presentation: Java 2 Enterprise Edition Blueprints Markus M�ller, Sybase Support of Sun's J2EE standard in Sybase EAServer 3.6 Knud Henning Nielsen, SU Styrelsen Business: The CASE of Decentralizing Public Administration Kristen Nygaard, Creator of Simula Keynote: Object Orientation - Past, Present and Future. A Personal View Martin Pamdeth, Inprise Business: Enterprise Development with JBuilder 4 Thomas Rix, Trifork Technologies Presentation: Java Web Start Georges Saab, 4CHARITY.COM Presentation: Experiences with Java in a California dot com Bjarne Stroustrup, AT&T Bell Labs Keynote: Multiparadigm programming in C++ Session: Standard-Library Exception Safety Mikkel Asger Svane, CAPUT.com Business: The CASE of Creating Online Communities Kristian Elof S�rensen, Icon Medialab Enterprise JavaBeans in Icon Medialab David Thomas, Consultant Presentation: On Being Pragmatic Tutorial: Introduction to Ruby Kresten Krab Thorup, Trifork Technologies Presentation: What's Up With Parameterized Classes? Scott Violet, Sun Microsystems Inc. Presentation: Swing I + II (Client Side Java) Presentation: Java Web Start Jim Waldo, Sun Microsystems Keynote: Object-Oriented Programming on the Net Martin S. Wammen, Express Fulfilment Services A/S Business: The CASE of Sharing a Complex Design Proces with Customers Jos Warmer, Klasse Objecten Presentation:UML's Object Constraint Language - OCL Tutorial: An introduction to UML's Object Constraint Language Brian Wheeldon, KL Group Presentation: Designing for Performance in Java Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Wirfs-Brock Associates Presentation: What Every Java Developer Needs to Know About Roles Tutorial: The Art of Writing Use Cases Allen Wirfs-Brock, Instantiations Inc. Presentation: An Optimizing Compiler for Java |