Business: Enterprise Development
with JBuilder 4 Enterprise Development with JBuilder 4
JBuilder, being written completely in Java, is probably one of the largest
Java applications in the Java industry, and has proven that write-once, run
anywhere is actually possible by having the same codebase running on 3 major
OS'es, Windows, Solaris and Linux. It is also now the most popular
Integrated Development Environment for Java worldwide. This session will
mainly focus on some of the new functionality in the upcomming JBuilder
Enterprise version 4.0 (codenamed Trinity) for building J2EE based solutions
and the new integrated Team Development support. There will also be some
focus on the architecture of JBuilder and it's Open Tools API.
Monday 14:00 - 15:00
Martin Pamdeth has more than 8 years of experience with the Inprise/Borland
Development Tools and middleware technologies ranging from Delphi and
JBuilder to Inprise Application Server. He started out at Borland
Scandianvia A/S in Denmark back in 1992. After working 3 years at the
Inprise European Headquarters in Amsterdam as Product Manager for the
Development Tools, he is now residing in Copenhagen, Denmark, as part of the
Nordic Inprise team as a Technical Business Development Manager. Martin
holds a M.Sc.E.E. from The Technical University of Denmark.