Presentation: Tool Support for
Creativity, Flexibility, and Collaboration in Object-Oriented Modelling
A major strength of object-oriented development is the direct support
for domain modelling offered by the underlying conceptual framework. To
support such modelling, a large number of Computer-Aided Software
Engineering tools (CASE-tools) are available. These tools excel in
supporting design and implementation, but have little support for
creativity, flexibility, and collaboration. We present a tool,
Ideogramic UML, that remedies this by supporting gesture-based UML
modelling on large electronic whiteboards. Furthermore, it is tightly
integrated with CASE tools such as Rational Rose and Argo UML, and thus
adds this support to existing tools.
The presentation will include a live demonstration of Ideogramic UML.
Wednesday 11:00 - 11:45
Klaus Marius Hansen is Product Manager at Ideogramic ApS
(http://www.ideogramic.com), a startup company that delivers intelligent
software for electronic whiteboards. The products of Ideogramic are
based on research conducted at University of Aarhus. His research work
ranges from hypertext over participatory design to object-oriented
modelling and it has been published at conferences such as ECOOP, TOOLS,
and CHI.