Presentation: Jini delivers scalability, reliability and administration services for
multiserver applications
While mostly promoted for integrating devices, Jini has been found to be of
great value for integrating services of different remote servers. The
presentation will present how Jini has provided infrastructure for a
socalled Modem Pool Server (MPS) - a Java based application for servicing
local telephone switching applications. The resulting application features
fail-over on servers and the inclusion of additional servers and services,
while the system is in operation thus providing scalability and reliability
for the application. Moreover Jini supports administration services of the
application in areas such as load balancing and the monitoring of capacity
of system resources.
Monday 15:30-16:15
Biography: Lars Handrup is working as a consultant, IT-architect and Java specialist
for customers and inhouse projects at TietoEnator Consulting. Lars har been
working mainly with client/server and distributed systems but has also been
teaching customers the ins and outs of Java based software development.
Lars is coordinating a network of Sun Authorised Java Centers within