Aarhus, Denmark - September 25-29, 2000
Real systems with real people in real projects. This is not just
about new Java APIs and technologies. We are putting together a program
that has not only technology focus; most of the program is on software
engineering, using patterns and frameworks, development methods, and
experiences from developing large systems. Here is an excerpt from the program: Bertrand Meyer (Interactive Software Engineering) - Component Based Development Erich Gamma (Object Technology International) - A Java Framework at Work Alistair Cockburn (Humans and Technology) - Designing a Light Methodology Frank Buschmann (Siemens) - Applying Patterns for Concurrent and Distributed Components Rebecca Wirfs-Brock (Wirfs-Brock Associates) - The Art of Writing Use Cases Lars Bak (Sun Microsystems) - Behind the The HotSpot Virtual Machine The program will include much more material, totaling approximately 40 speakers.Further details will be announced later. Join our mailing list to receive updates. |