08:00 - 09:00 |
Breakfast |
09:00 - 09:45 |
Keynote: Multiparadigm
programming in C++ Bjarne Stroustrup, AT&T Labs
Creator of the C++ programming language |
Conference Hall |
09:45 - 10:00 |
Break |
10:00 - 12:00 |
[10:00 - 12:00] J2EE
Architecture Overview Mark Hapner, Sun Microsystems Inc. |
Conference Hall |
[10:00 - 12:00]
Designing Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs in Java David Holmes, DSTC |
Tutorial |
[10:00-11:00] Linux and Java - a marriage made in heaven ?
Mark Cathcart, IBM |
Balcony |
[10:00 - 10:15] Opening of the Session: Positioning Companies for the New Economy -Using Java Technology Business |
Business |
[10:15 - 11:00] The
CASE of Sharing a Complex Design Proces with Customers
Martin S. Wammen, Express Fulfilment Services A/S |
Business |
[11:00 - 12:00] The CASE of Decentralizing Public Administration
System Manager Knud Henning Nielsen, SU Styrelsen |
Business |
[11:00 - 12:00] An introduction to Ruby Andrew Hunt & David Thomas, Independent Consultants |
Balcony |
12:00 - 13:00 |
Lunch |
13:00 - 15:00 |
[13:00-15:00] Java 2 Enterprise Edition Blueprints
Gregory Murray, Sun Microsystem Inc. |
Conference Hall |
- 14:00] A Preemptive User-level Thread System in an JVM for
the Server Joakim Dahlstedt, Developer, JRockit |
Tutorial |
[13:00 - 14:00] Java
Web Start Scott Violet, Sun Microsystems Inc. & Thomas
Rix, Trifork Technologies |
Balcony |
[14:00 - 15:00] Automatic Memory Management for the
Java(tm) Programming Language Lars Bak, Sun Microsystems Inc. |
Tutorial |
[13:00 - 14:00] The CASE of Creating Online Communities
Mikkel Asger Svane, CAPUT.com
Business |
[14:00-15:00] On beeing
Pragmatic Andrew Hunt & Dave Thomas, Independent Consultans |
Balcony |
[14:00-15:00] The CASE of the Banking Revolution
Jens Galatius, Department Director, Unibank
Business |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Break |
15:30 - 17:15 |
[15:30-17:00] J2EE, Jim
Farley, GE Corporate R&D |
Conference Hall |
[15:30-16:30] Enterprise
JavaBeans in Icon Medielab Kristian Elof Sørensen, Icon Medialab |
Balcony |
[15:30-17:15] Component
Construction with Patterns (Part I) Frank Buschmann, Siemens Corp. Technology |
Tutorial |
Business |
Business |