- Object Orientation - Past, Present and Future. A Personal View.
Kristen Nygaard, Inventor of Object-Oriented Programming
- Extreme Programming for Beginners
Kent Beck, First Class Software
- A Java Framework at Work
Erich Gamma, OTI, Switzerland
- J2EE Architecture Overview
Mark Hapner, Sun Microsystems
- Multiparadigm programming in C++
Bjarne Stroustrup, AT&T Bell Labs
- Object-Oriented Programming on the Net
Jim Waldo, Sun Microsystems
- The architecture and the benefits of the HotSpot garbage collector. .
Lars Bak, Sun Microsystems
- An Introduction to UML's Object Constraint Language
Jos Warmer, Klasse Objecten, The Netherlands
- The Pattern Morass
Aino Cornils, University of Aarhus, Denmark
- Concurrent Programming in Java
David Holmes, DSTC, Australia
- Java 2 Enterprise Edition Blueprints
Gregory Murray, Sun Microsystems, California, USA
- Component Construction with Patterns
Frank Buschmann, Siemens, Germany
- Contracts for Components
Bertrand Meyer, ISE, California, USA
- Enterprise Application Integration
David Linthicum, SAGA Software, Virginia, USA
- On beeing pragmatic
Andy Hunt & Dave Thomas, Consultants
- How to make advanced designs
Scott Violet, Sun Microsystems
- AspectJTM : Aspect-Oriented Programming using Java(tm)technology
Christina Lopes, Xerox PARC
- An Optimizing Compiler for Java
Allen Wirfs-Brock, Chief Technology Officer, Instantiations Inc.