Toby Young, CTO at City Index

Toby Young recently joined City Index as CTO, and is heavily engaged in understanding how to align techology to a retail facing customer base in a business which is grounded in the principals of financial risk management. Previously at Tullett Prebon, Toby was Global Head of Trading Techonology responsible for a host of systems and techologies covering products ranging from energy and emissions, to algorithmic pairs tradings, through interest rate and money market business, to the world of fixed income and credit.
In this role he was the technology lead on TradeBlade which trades over 25% of the UST Repo market. He started writing assembly on a BBC micro aged 11 because basic just didn't cut it for a game of TRON, taught Fortan to undergrads at university and at one point in the past ended up coding C++ on a PC in a Faraday cage on the back of an Landrover doing 40 mph on a Military exercise in Germany.