Agile Developer - Conference SOLD OUT!

Being a skilled agile developer isn't easy. You have to excel in a long line of different disciplines, several programming languages, databases, server architectures etc. You also need to understand the business domain well enough to ask the right questions and develop the functionality that will give the customer value. Last but not least, you need to be a good team member.

This day we will focus on the principles of agile development and the techniques/practices that support these principles, e.g. TDD and continuous integration. We will also look at specific tools that support agile development in Java and .Net. Agile experts will give you tips and tricks to help you improve your agile skills.

When? March 4, 2009

Where? IT University of Copenhagen. Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 Copenhagen S.

How to find it? Map. Metro stop: Islands Brygge. Parking: Possible - but many cars, few car bays

How much? Dkk 3.750 (excl. taxes) 

Registration: The conference is sold out

Print Out: This pdf file provides you a quick overview



Schedule JAOO Agile Day 2009
08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:00 Jeff Sutherland:

Scrum was designed to achieve a hyperproductive state where productivity increases by 5-10 times over industry averages and many collocated teams have achieved this effect. Jeff will discuss projects where they have achieved this kind of productivity gain and why they succeeded.

Keywords: Agile benefits, Business Value, reference projects

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10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 11:15 Keith Braithwaite:

Adopting Agile techniques is, like any change, difficult. The change to Agile techniques in particular can be very hard as they run against the grain of much of the received wisdom in corporate IT.

By focusing on value added rather than effort expended we can make Agile make sense for managers and business sponsors. By focusing on quality we can make Agile make sense for developers and testers.

Here are some data, some stories, some models and some techniques for managing this change.

Keywords: Managing Change, Value, Quality.

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11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:15 Nils Haugen:

Many agile projects are having trouble getting to grips with a steady growing number of user stories. This in turn makes prioritisation and planning difficult and frustrating, causing the team to make sub-optimal decisions in terms of what functionality should go into each release.

User story mapping is a simple way of collecting and organising user stories in a visual map. The map helps the team understand how to put together releases of real value to the business by taking the whole workflow into consideration and focusing on what the users want to accomplish.

This talk illustrates the problem, explains three strategies to deal with it, and introduces user story mapping as a tool for putting the strategies to life.

Keywords: User Story mapping

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12:15 - 13:15
13:15 - 14:15 Steve Freeman:

Over the last ten years, Test-Driven Development has grown from something exotic, that only a handful of people knew about, to near- commodity. So there's nothing left to say, right? I don't think so. In this session, I'll review some of the landmarks in the history of Test-Driven Development and what they tell us about how to develop software; the ideas, techniques, objections, and misunderstandings. I'll talk about my experiences of discovering TDD and what I've learned about how to do it well, how to adopt it, and how to bring it into existing code.

Keywords: TDD

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14:15 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:30 Julian Simpson:

Many organisations will tell you that they are "doing" continuous integration. A boat anchor of a PC in the corner running an old version of CruiseControl might tick a few boxes, but is it really effective? You'll find out in good time if somebody checks in a broken test or forgets to check in a file; it won't tell you if your code is likely to run in production. In our focus on delivering code, can we forget where the code will be running? You might be writing it in a warm office on a quad core Intel PC. Production might be a single core SPARC system in a cold datacentre or a dusty room.

As we get better at CI, we should start seeing our feedback loop extend out past development into other areas. But what strategies do we have for doing this and keeping the feedback loop tight for the developers? Does that matter?

This session will attempt to answer all those questions and more. The presenter will share his experiences of 5 years of being a professional build manager, using examples taken from real projects.

Keywords: CI, continuous integration, build examples

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15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:00 Keith Braithwaite & Steve Freeman & Nils Haugen & Julian Simpson:


 Jeff  Sutherland
Jeff Sutherland,
Scrums grand old mann - Co Founder of Scrum
 Julian  Simpson
Julian Simpson,
The Build Doctor
 Keith  Braithwaite
Keith Braithwaite,
One of the earliest adopters of XP in the UK
 Nils  Haugen
Nils Haugen,
Agile expert in user story mapping
 Steve  Freeman
Steve Freeman,
Pioneer of Agile, Chair the first London XpDay

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