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Jan Reher, Passionate about effective, habitable and well-defined software development processes
Jan Reher is a lead systems engineer at Systematic. He has 17 years of experience developing professional software products.
Jan is at heart a programmer. His broad professional insight, seniority and large commitment has placed him with the task of providing an effective and manageable work environment for other programmers and professionals in Systematic. Jan is the principal author and teacher of Systematic's software development process and a member of Systematic's CMMI appraisal team.
Jan received his master's degree in computer science from the University of Ã…rhus some years ago. He does not own a dog.
Presentation: "Yes, you Really Can Have Agility and High Maturity at the Same Time"
Tuesday 16:15 - 17:15
Store Sal
Abstract: Is a high maturity ratings or high agility the way forward for your organization? We believe that both are necessary, and our experience shows that these two approaches work very well together. We would like to share this experience with you.
Our organization has had a CMMI level 5 rating since 2005. We will describe how we do things in our software projects, what benefits we achieve from combining high maturity according to CMMI with agile principles and practices, and the challenges we encounter. The presentation will contain little theorizing but lots of concrete experience. We don't intend to tell you how your organization should work but just tell you what works for us.
Our work has crystallized as a documented software development method which is used in all our projects. The method claims neither completeness, universality, nor originality but it contains most of what a project needs to develop and test software. It is simple, effective and habitable. It is inspired by several published methods and techniques but is built exclusively on our own best practices.
Key points of the presentation:
- Outline and highlights of our software development method
- Why the method helps us achieve a high maturity rating according to CMMI
- Why the method helps us being and becoming an agile organization
- How testers and developers work together within the method
Target audience: Developers and testers. And anybody else interested in the execution of software development projects.