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Retrospectives Facilitator Aino Vonge Corry, Trifork A/S
Aino Corry is technical conference editor and retrospectives facilitator at Trifork. She holds a masters degree and a ph.d. in computer science from the University of Aarhus, Denmark. She has 12 years of experience with Patterns in Software Development as a developer, architect and mentor. Aino was the architecture and coordinator for the EU project PalCom where she was responsible for the
common architecture.
When she gets the chance, she teaches OO design and development.
Presentation: "Pattern Landscapes - or What Can We Learn From Dating Patterns?"
Wednesday 13:30 - 14:30
Abstract: Design patterns have been around in software development for more than a decade. Some use them, some don't. Given the vast number of patterns, it proves difficult to navigate in them. There are generic patterns, like the GoF patterns, there are patterns aimed at a specific programming language, there are patterns for a specific domain or for a specific phase in a development process.
Attendees will take away a clear understanding of patterns and their importance for software design and development. They will also get an approach for introducing them into the organization. The concept and use of patterns will be illustrated with dating patterns.