Schedule - Wednesday

[ Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday ]

Schedule  .NET Enterprise Development  Architecture Quality  Back to the Future  Open Source Enterprise Java  What Makes Ruby Roll?
Host Ted Neward, Independent consultant Frank Buschmann, Siemens AG Dave Thomas & Ole Lehrmann Madsen Bruce Snyder, LogicBlaze Obie Fernandez, ThoughtWorks
09:00 - 09:30 Introduction: .NET Enterprise Development
Ted Neward
Location: SAS Suecia
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Architecture Quality - An Introduction and Overview
Frank Buschmann
Location: SAS Dania
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Hot Old Ideas - Experiences Of An Old Country Programmer
Dave Thomas
Location: Conference Hall
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The State of Open Source Enterprise Java
Bruce Snyder
Location: SAS Nortvegia
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Introduction to Ruby for Java & .NET developers
Obie Fernandez
Location: Conference Hall 2
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09:30 - 09:45 Break
09:45 - 10:45 It's Spring again - Lightweight .NET Containers
Michael Stal
Location: SAS Suecia
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Architecture Evaluation in Practice--Notes from the Front Line
Dragos Manolescu
Location: SAS Dania
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The History of Scheme
Guy L. Steele Jr.
Location: Conference Hall
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Achieving High Performance Enterprise Messaging
Bruce Snyder
Location: SAS Nortvegia
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The Beauty of Ruby
Glenn Vanderburg
Location: Conference Hall 2
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10:45 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:00 Data persistence options in .NET
Ted Neward
Location: SAS Suecia
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Reflections on a decade of software architectural evaluations
Len Bass
Location: SAS Dania
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Functional Programming And Monads
Erik Meijer
Location: Conference Hall
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Spring and Patterns
Eberhard Wolff
Location: SAS Nortvegia
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Agile DSL Development in Ruby
Obie Fernandez
Location: Conference Hall 2
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12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:00 SQL Server Express
Cathi Gero
Location: SAS Suecia
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Recognizing, Avoiding and Eliminating Architectural Decay
Walter Bischofberger
Location: SAS Dania
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Coloured Petri Nets
Kurt Jensen
Location: Conference Hall
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Are We There Yet?
Rod Johnson
Location: SAS Nortvegia
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Behaviour Driven Development... the step after TDD
Niclas Nilsson & Dan North
Location: Conference Hall 2
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14:00 - 14:30 Break
14:30 - 15:30 Java/.NET interop: The Best of Both Worlds
Ted Neward
Location: SAS Suecia
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Five Considerations for Software Architecture
Kevlin Henney
Location: SAS Dania
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What mainstream OO can learn from SIMULA and BETA
Ole Lehrmann Madsen
Location: Conference Hall
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Panel: Open Source Enterprise Java
Eberhard Wolff & Rod Johnson & Bruce Snyder
Location: SAS Nortvegia
Applying Agile to Ruby (or How to Let the Inmates Run the Asylum)
Fred George
Location: Conference Hall 2
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15:30 - 16:00 Break
16:00 - 17:00 Keynote Panel: How Will We Be Programming In 2016?
Dave Thomas
Location: Conference Hall