Walter Bischofberger is CTO of Software-Tomography GmbH. For many years, he has been developing methods and tools that support large scale software engineering such as the SNiFF+ programming environment and Sotograph, a tool for continuous architecture and quality monitoring as well as software archeology.
Presentation: "Architecture Archaeology and Virtual Reengineering"
Solution Track I
Time: Monday 13:00 - 14:00 Location: Café Scene, Exhibition Hall Presentation: "Recognizing, Avoiding and Eliminating Architectural Decay"
Architecture Quality
Time: Wednesday 13:00 - 14:00 Location: SAS Dania
Abstract: Software systems become more difficult to understand and maintain the longer they are evolved. One reason for this is the fact that the structure of their implementation has a tendency to degenerate over time.
This talk gives an overview about architectural antipatterns that cause the decay of software systems. It shows how these patterns can be recognized with tool support and how structural degeneration can be avoided by continuous monitoring. Furthermore, it discusses approaches to speed up the reengineering of degenerated systems. |