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John Fallows, Kaazing


John Fallows is a pioneer in the field of real-time browser networking and co-founder of Kaazing Corporation. Originally from Northern Ireland, John graduated from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom and has worked in the software industry for over fifteen years. Prior to founding Kaazing, John was a Consulting Member of Technical Staff for Server Technologies at Oracle Corporation. During his last 5 years at Oracle, John focused on designing, developing, and evolving Oracle ADF Faces to fully integrate Ajax technologies.

John is a popular speaker at international conferences and has written numerous articles for leading IT magazines such as Java Developer's Journal, AjaxWorld Magazine, and JavaMagazine (DE). John is co-author of the book Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components, (Apress). In his role as chief technology officer, John formulates Kaazing Corporation's vision of bringing the capabilities of desktop applications to your plug-in free Web browser. He defines the architecture of the Kaazing product suite and oversees its development.


Attended conferences

QConSF 2008

