Schedule - Thursday

[ Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Business ]

Schedule  Tutorials
09:00 - 12:00 All you ever wanted to know about SOA - From Businesses to Services
Frank Buschmann
Location: SAS Dania
Craig Russell & Marc Prud'hommeaux
Location: SAS Room 12
Introduction to Lean Software Development
Mary Poppendieck
Location: SAS Suecia
Agile Development with Scrum: Better, Faster, Cooler!
Jeff Sutherland
Location: SAS Room 11
Software Factories
Steve Cook & Alan Cameron Wills
Location: SAS Nortvegia
13:00 - 16:00 DDSteps - Building data driven tests using JUnit
Adam Skogman & Björn Granvik
Location: SAS Room 11
All you ever wanted to know about SOA - From Businesses to Services
Frank Buschmann
Location: SAS Dania
Craig Russell & Marc Prud'hommeaux
Location: SAS Room 12
Introduction to Lean Software Development
Mary Poppendieck
Location: SAS Suecia
Software Factories
Steve Cook & Alan Cameron Wills
Location: SAS Nortvegia