Software Engineers, Project Managers - all of us - exercises too little. The JAOO conference would like to make a difference
and therefore we decided to try a run at JAOO 2002. Whether you are a regular runner or have to start from scratch we hope
that a lot of participants will take the challenge and join the run.
See it as a chance to get in shape both for your personal well-being and to prevent injuries from working longtime with computers.
The JAOO Run is organized together with Aarhus 1900: The club is one of the biggest Sportsclubs in Denmark and is each year organizer
of a lot of different sports events in Aarhus
Route JAOO IT-Run 2002


(registration closed)
Note: JAOO 2002 Participaters: Please register for JAOO IT-Run along with conference registration
Date September 15
Time 15.00 - 5 km. 16.00 - 10 km.
Start and end Ridehuset, Aarhus
Cost 50.- ddk. no food / kr. 80 .- food incl. JAOO IT-Run is free for JAOO 2002 conference participants
Distance 5 km and 10 km. JAOO conference participants can join a JAOO team - see conference registration
Latest registration September 9
Registration on the day 1 hour before start + dkk. 20,-
Startnumber Can be picked up 1 hour before start in Ridehuset
Safekeeping In Ridehuset, Aarhus 1900 booth
Results www.aarhus1900.dk / www.jaoo.dk
Prizes Three fastests teams at each distance gentlemen/ladies/IT Team
For further information Call EOS at +45 87 32 87 87