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Wayne Fenton, eBay, Inc.

 Wayne  Fenton

Wayne Fenton is a Director of Architecture at eBay Inc. His main area of focus is designing and building large scale web infrastructure components to facilitate technology interoperability between eBay properties (e.g. eBay, PayPal, Skype, shopping.com, etc).

This includes Identity Management components, as well as various sub-systems to facilitate services-oriented architectures as well as event-driven architectures. Prior to eBay, Mr. Fenton worked as a VoIP solutions architect for Cisco Systems, where he designed and built large-scale voice and video over IP systems for fortune 500 companies. He has also worked at startups as well as Oracle Corp.

Mr. Fenton has 17 years experience designing SW in different markets for different customers. The common thread is a focus on customer-centric design combined with a secondary emphasis scalability and manageability to foster wider adoption and improved reliability.

Presentation: "Operational Scalability in the Next-Gen-Web World"

Time: Wednesday 09:30 - 10:30

Location: Conference Hall


The structure of applications is getting more complex in many regards. SOA, EDA, mash-ups, Ajax/RIA, all imply more dynamic use of loosely coupled sub-systems in a potentially massive scale.

Architectures that focus on the "ilities" (scalability, reliability, etc.), too often ignore or give short shrift to the requirements imposed by the operations staff and processes that govern application management in production environments. Grid computing is an attempt to standardize components and interfaces to allow tools and systems to manage complex multi-tier applications and associated resource pools in a consistent, scalable way. However, application architects and designers need to shift their thinking so that systems will function well in that environment.

This talk will cover the ways in which we as software architects can design systems for much-improved efficiency and reliability from an operational perspective. This includes topics such as configuration discovery and management, server/application provisioning, application monitoring and alerting, HW/power optimization, and disaster planning.

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