Professor Emeritus of Informat Trygve Reenskaug, University of Oslo
Trygve Reenskaug is professor emeritus of informatics at the University of Oslo. He has 50 years experience in software engineering research and the development of industrial strength software products.
He has extensive teaching and speaking experience including keynotes, talks and tutorials.
His firsts include the Autokon system for computer aided design of ships with end user programming and a data base oriented architecture from 1960; object oriented applications, collaborations and role modeling from 1973; Model-View-Controller, the world's first reusable object oriented framework, in 1979; OOram role modeling method and tool from 1983; and the premier book on role modeling in 1995.
He was a member of the UML Core Team and has been involved in later versions of UML. He is currently working on new programming paradigms that balance the description of system state with the description of system behaviour. The atoms of the descriptions are classes for the state and roles for the behaviour.