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Claus Nyhus Christensen, Atira A/S

 Claus  Nyhus Christensen

As a ScrumMaster/Developer Claus Nyhus Christensen has been working with Scrum for the past three years. In his work with Scrum Claus has mainly been focusing on introducing and teaching Scrum to teams and organizations. First as a consultant at Trifork where he has been working for a number of clients, and lately as Project Manager at Atira, where he is coordination and introducing Scrum into a number of projects.

Prior to focusing on Scrum Claus was working as a core developer on the Trifork T4 Java EE application server development team., and he uses this background as a developer as key factor in his approach to Agile methods and Scrum.

Claus holds a B.S. and an M.S. in Computer Science from Aalborg University in Denmark.

Tutorial: "User Stories, Estimating and Planning"

Track:   Tutorial

Time: Friday 09:00 - 12:00

Location: SAS Suecia


One of the practical challenges you are faced with when running a scrum project is how to create and maintain your product backlog. Which kind of items should be on the backlog? How to estimate them? And how do you create a general plan for the project.

In this tutorial we will look into these questions. With a basis in Mike Cohn two books: "User Stories Applied" and "Agile Estimating and Planning" combined with the speaker's experience as a ScrumMaster, we will look at:

User Stories: What is a User Story and why is it a good candidate as building blocks for our product backlog
How do we create User Stories

Selecting the right unit for estimation; Story Points or Ideal Days?
How to estimate, practical techniques for everyday use

How do we combine User Stories and Estimates to create a good Product backlog and plan for the project