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Martin Nally, IBM Rational CTO
Martin Nally is the Chief Technology Officer for the Rational Software division of IBM and an IBM Fellow. Martin joined IBM in 1990 with 10 years' prior industry experience. He has held several architecture and development positions in IBM including lead architect and developer for IBM VisualAge/Smalltalk and VisualAge/Java. Martin was one of a team of three that launched the IBM project that later became the Eclipse framework and he led the architecture, design and development of WebSphere Studio, IBM's flagship Eclipse-based developer tool-suite that later evolved into Rational Application Developer. He was chief architect for Rational before becoming CTO.
Presentation: "Jazz - Radical Architecture Shifts in a Collaborative Software Development Tool Suite"
Monday 11:30 - 12:30
Lille Sal
Abstract: For the last 4 years, IBM Rational has been building new products and a new technology infrastructure called "Jazz" to revitalize our "Software Development Platform" - a collaborative tool suite to support all phases and all levels of the software development and delivery process. In the process we have challenged most of the standard architectural approaches we previously took for granted including object-orientation, SOA, relational databases, J2EE, Eclipse clients and modeling and meta-models.
In this talk you will learn how consideration of the user requirements for a collaborative development suite led us away from standard architectures to different ways of thinking. You will also hear some of the reasons you might not want to make as many changes as we have tried to make.
Level: Intermediate/Expert
Keywords: Architecture, REST, SOA, RDF, Collaboration