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David Geary, Track Host, Currently defining the next version of JSF
David Geary is the president of Clarity Training, Inc. (corewebdevelopment.com), where he teaches developers to implement web applications using JavaServer Faces and the Google Web Toolkit.
A prominent author, speaker, and consultant, David holds a unique qualification as a Java expert: He wrote the best-selling books on both Java component frameworks: Swing and JavaServer Faces (JSF). David's Graphic Java Swing was one of the best-selling Java books of all-time and Core JSF, which David wrote with Cay Horstman, is the best-selling book on JavaServer Faces.
David was one of a handful of experts on the JSF 1.0 Expert Group (EG) that actively defined the standard Java-based web application framework, and he's currently helping to define the next version of JSF on the JSF 2.0 EG.
Besides serving on the JSF and JSTL Expert Groups, David has contributed to open-source projects and co-authored Sun's Web Developer Certification Exam. He invented the Struts Template library which was the precursor to Tiles, a popular framework for composing web pages from JSP fragments, was the 2nd Struts committer and contributed to Shale.
A regular on the NFJS tour, David also speaks at other conferences such as TheServerSide Symposium, JavaOne and JavaPolis. David has taught at Java University and was twice voted a JavaOne rock star, for presentations in 2005 and 2007.
Presentation: "JavaServer Faces 2.0: Implementing Ajax components"
Monday 11:30 - 12:30
Rytmisk Sal
Abstract: One of the biggest selling points of JavaServer Faces (JSF) is that it is a component-based framework. However, that powerful reuse mechanism was rendered largely inconsequential in JSF 1 because it was so hard to implement custom components.
JSF 2, on the other hand, makes it easy to implement Ajaxified custom components with a new mechanism for creating components, and built-in Ajax.
In this talk you will learn how to implement reusable, Ajaxified components that make it easy to develop compelling web applications. There's a lot of buzz around JSF 2--come to this talk to see what that buzz is all about.
Keywords: Java, Ajax, Components
Prerequisites: Developers who have used JavaServer Faces 1, or are at least familiar with component-based web application frameworks. Expertise in Java, and familiarity with Ajax and JavaScript are also required.
Presentation: "Introducing Google Web Toolkit (GWT)"
Monday 14:45 - 15:45
Rytmisk Sal
Abstract: With most Java-based web application frameworks, you must resort to writing JavaScript to create rich user interfaces. Google Web Toolkit (GWT), however, lets developers create rich client interfaces that run in a web browser by programming to a Swing-like API. GWT compiles your Java to JavaScript - and accounts for browser differences in how JavaScript behaves - so that you can implement stunning user interfaces that go way beyond basic Ajax.
In this introduction to GWT, you will learn how to create desktop-like user interfaces that run in a browser, using this innovative framework from Google.
Prerequisites:Expertise in Java, and some familiarity with component-based frameworks, such as AWT, Swing, or JavaServer Faces.
Keywords: Java, Ajax, JavaScript, Google Web Toolkit
Workshop: "Tutorial: Google Web Toolkit"
Friday 13:00 - 16:00
C103 Music Hall
This tutorial is an introduction to GWT. Over the course of 3 hours, I'll implement, from scratch, an Ajaxified, databased-backed web application that also incorporates web services and custom GWT widgets.
Here are the topics I will cover:
- GWT Introduction: how it works
- Widgets
- RPCs and database integration
- Composite widgets
- Event handling
- Ajax testing
- Event previews
- Timers
- Sinking events
This session is for developers who are either unfamiliar with GWT, or have little experience. If you've been using GWT to implement non-trivial apps, then this session is probably not for you. This session will allow GWT novices to progress quickly along the GWT learning curve, from the ground up.
All of the demonstrations in this session will be live coding examples, implementing an application from scratch. Feel free to bring your laptop and code along if you like.