Presentation: "Of Code and Change: Beautiful Software"

Time: Tuesday 10:30 - 11:20

Location: Rytmisk Sal

Abstract: The notion that programming is equivalent to "writing code" is hard to dispel. Despite modern IDEs such as Eclipse, which support the manipulation of code at a higher level of abstraction, such as when applying refactorings, in the eyes of many a developer at the end of the day it's all about source code. In this presentation I'll present bleeding edge research advances, such as elaborate 3D visualizations and fine-graine change recording. The goal is to demonstrate that systems are highly interesting and complex constructs that are evolved through small evolutionary steps. In short, software is beautiful.
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Dr. Michele Lanza, University of Lugano

Dr. Michele  Lanza Michele Lanza is one of the founding members of the faculty of informatics of the University of Lugano, in Switzerland. His doctoral dissertation, completed in 2003, received the prestigious Ernst Denert award for best thesis in software engineering of 2003. He leads the REVEAL research group, focusing on the areas of software visualization, evolution, and reverse engineering. In the past years he was involved in the construction of visualization and reverse engineering tools such as CodeCrawler, Moose, CodeCity, X-Ray, etc. He authored more than 50 technical papers and is author of the book "Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice."