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Ronnie Saurenmann, Microsoft

 Ronnie  Saurenmann Ronnie is a specialist in software architecture. He is supporting and consulting large companies in software development and architecture. In particular he's focusing on Web Technologies, .NET Framework, SOA, Web Services and SQL Server. He has more than 12 years of experience in software design for large enterprises. Before joining Microsoft he was lead software architect in a bank.

Presentation: "A Developer's Guide to the Microsoft Platform (part 1)"

Time: Monday 10:30 - 11:20

Location: Kammermusik


Introduction and overview of technologies and platform frameworks in the .NET world.

This intro will lift you from zero .NET knowledge and give you a good overview of the entire platform which can be very beneficial in this "new" era, where one cannot choose to utilize strictly one technology or the other, but have to understand both worlds to make the best decision. In this two part session you will learn the powerful and productive way to build an end to end solution with the technologies that the .NET platform has to offer today.

Using plenty of live demos, we will show how to build a UI with ASP, NET/AJAX, Silverlight and Windows Presentation Foundation. The middle tier will be covered with Windows Communication Foundation and Workflow Foundation. To finish, we will take a tour of our O/R mapping offering with "Entity Framework" and "LINQ to SQL" for building a data access layer.

Presentation: "A Developers Guide to the Microsoft Platform (part 2)"

Time: Monday 11:30 - 12:20

Location: Kammermusik

