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RIA Architect Evangelist Josh Holmes, Microsoft
Josh Holmes is a RIA Architect Evangelist with Microsoft focused on building and educating the dev partners with a Rich Internet Application offering. Prior to joining Microsoft in October 2006, Josh was a consultant with SRT Solutions working with a variety of clients ranging from large Fortune 500 firms to smaller sized companies.
In most situations, Josh was called in as the technical leader on a project to lead the clients team to success. Josh is a frequent speaker and lead panelist at national and international software development conferences, including VSLive, Software Development Expo (East and West), Basta and the Rich Web Experience, focusing on emerging technologies, software design and development with an emphasis on mobility and RIA (Rich Internet Applications).
Josh has written and delivered many training classes over time for both public audiences as well as courses tightly tailored for the client's needs. The topics of these classes ranged from XML to ASP.NET to the Compact Framework. Josh speaks from his experience and conviction based on many production successes that his clients have experienced. Community focused, Josh has founded and/or run many technology organizations from the Great Lakes Area .NET Users Group to the Ann Arbor Computer Society and was on the forming committee for CodeMash. You can contact Josh through his blog at www.joshholmes.com.
Presentation: "Architecture of a Rich Internet Application (RIA)"
Tuesday 13:20 - 14:10
Lille Sal
Abstract: Come listen to leading RIA experts from Microsoft and Adobe discuss many of the best and worst practices in building a RIA (Rich Internet Application) covering topics like state management, fault tolerance, service composition, communications protocols, message formats and much more. This session will also cover the architectural patterns that are available in RIA development and in which scenarios each would be applicable.
Presentation: "Developing RIAs using Silverlight"
Tuesday 15:40 - 16:30
Lille Sal
Abstract: A powerful end-user experience is the key to groundbreaking applications. Silverlight is helping push that bar higher and higher by bringing the RIA (Rich Internet Application) into reach for many new developers. Silverlight takes that rich desktop experience that developers create with WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and pushes it out to the browser. This session coves the basics of leveraging Silverlight to create amazing cross platform browser based applications.
Workshop: "Developing RIAs with Silverlight 2.0"
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Musikhuset Nr. 224
Silverlight 2.0 is helping developers
create fantastic browser based applications leveraging XAML and .NET similar to
how .NET developers deliver WPF desktop applications today. With rich animation,
interaction and graphics at our disposal – building ton notch
applications with a browser based delivery system. With the user experience as
the focus, a properly designed and built RIA can save time and money.
In this deep dive tutorial, we will cover building a true RIA
experience with Silverlight 2.0. Importantly, this is not a deep dive into working
with media. While Silverlight does that well and we will touch on integrating
media into the applications, the focus of this tutorial is line of business
applications with a fantastic user experience. We will be working with Visual
Studio 2008 and Expression Blend 2.5 to build these applications.
If you want to work along with the labs that will be built
up front, bring your laptop with the requisites listed on http://silverlight.net/GetStarted/.
Your take home will be a copy of the lab instructions for you to work during or
after the tutorial.