Workshop: "Building Domain-Specific Modeling Languages with Full Code Generation"
Time: Thursday 13:00 - 17:00
Location: Musikhuset C 103
Domain-Specific Languages and Model-Driven Development have moved from scattered successes, through industry hype, to increasingly widespread practical use. The main questions are no longer what or why, but where and how. This tutorial will teach participants about Domain-Specific Modeling and code generation, where they can best be used (and where not), and how to apply them effectively to improve your software development. This tutorial introduces DSM and looks at how it differs from modelling languages like UML that focus more on the level of the code world. This is followed by real-life examples of DSM from various fields of software development. The main part of the tutorial addresses the guidelines for implementing DSM: how to choose where to use it, how to identify the domain concepts and formalize them into a metamodel, different ways of building code generation, and how to integrate generated code with legacy or manually-written code. Participants will have the chance to learn practical skills in language creation and modification exercises.