See you next yearWe thank you all for a great conference and we hope to see you again in 2009, October 4 - 9. Mark the dates! Were you looking for JAOO 2009? JAOO 2008 Topics A Developers Guide to the Microsoft Platform // Architecture // Being Agile // Build // Cloud // Component Models // DSL // Data Base // Developer Best Practices // Developer Feedback // Developing Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) // Edutainment // End User Programming // End user experience // Enterprise 2.0 // Failure Comes in Flavors // High Performance, Scalable // Java // Java History and Outlook // New Developments and Technologies in .NET // Programming Languages // Railing // Real men don't do JavaScript // Scaling Agility // Social Network Programming // Sync // JAOO Speakers - Anders Hejlsberg, Technical Fellow, Microsoft
- Martin Fowler, Chief Scientist at ThoughtWorks
- Frank Buschmann, Siemens Corporate Technology
- Lars Bak, Google Inc.
- Michael T. Nygard, Author of "Release It! Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software"
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JAOO speakers network
Over a decade of JAOOs nearly 500 speakers have talked at JAOO.
See the comprehensive list of speakers who have visited JAOO over the years
JAOO Photos
Google Chrome at JAOO
As the first conference (outside Google) to have a technical presentation on Google Chrome, we are proud to present Lars bak, who will discuss the V8 in Google Chrome, which was developed in Aarhus, Denmark.
JAOO Video
We have a series of videos from JAOO online now.
See them all here.
JAOO Newsletter
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JAOO International
JAOO is expanding to other locations in Europe, Australia and US. For some locations we have established partnership with InfoQ on conferences called QCon - the first took place in London March 12-16, 2007. The next will be in San Francisco, November 17-21, 2008.