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Chief Scientist Aslak Hellesøy, BEKK Consulting

Chief Scientist Aslak  Hellesøy

I'm the Chief Scientist of BEKK Consulting in Norway. Before that I worked for ThoughtWorks.

I am one of the main developers of RSpec and I founded the Portland Maine Ruby User Group.

Presentation: "Introduction: Advanced Web Application Development"

Time: Thursday 10:30 - 10:45

Location: Biblioteket

Abstract: This track will explore the power of Ruby for web application development. Various advanced topics will be discussed, including the newest trends and technologies in designing restful applications and AJAX development.

Presentation: "RSpec"

Time: Friday 13:00 - 14:00

Location: Jan P. Syses sal


Are you writing code that never gets used? Are you struggling to make the code fit your requirements?

Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is a fresh breathe of air in the agile community, and its primary focus is to deliver software that matters. -For the end users. BDD builds upon several agile tools and practices like Acceptance-Test Driven Planning, Example-Driven Devlopment, FIT, User Stories and TDD, and bring them together in a consistent whole.

This presentation will give an introduction to the principles and practices of BDD and demonstrate RSpec's two frameworks: Plain text User Stories and Object-level examples.

Presentation: "Underdog web frameworks!"

Time: Friday 14:30 - 15:30

Location: Biblioteket

Abstract: Ruby on Rails is not the only web framework for Ruby. This presentation will deomnstrate some of the lesser known ones like Sinatra, Haml, Waves, Markaby and Ebb. These frameworks are great for smaller applications when you don't need the full Rails stack. Some of them are also great complements to Rails.