Presentation: "Keynote Panel"
Time: Wednesday 16:45 - 17:30
Location: Auditorium 1, 1. floor
Presentation: "Keynote Panel"Time: Wednesday 16:45 - 17:30 Location: Auditorium 1, 1. floor |
Dr. Nic WilliamsDr Nic Williams is known for his exciting blend of software development, entertaining education, and thorough training. He picked up Ruby on Rails in 2005, he has released successful websites, such as MyConfPlan, and a growing collection of open source projects that are used throughout the Ruby on Rails community - New Gem Generator, Composite Primary Keys, and his quirkily famous "Magic Models", plus more. For the last two years, Dr Nic has lived and worked in India, Sweden, Netherlands and Australia; and has worked for telcos and for several startup web companies. Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto
The chief designer of the Ruby programming language.